Posted 7 months, 5 days ago (Edited 7 months, 5 days ago) by Sky SkylerKarashi


WELCOME TO OUR FIRST EVER EVENT! Everyone who joins before the event ends will receive a free MYO to make their very own Wishie! Event ending is TBD, but we will give notice before it officially ends. On top of getting your free MYO, we also have chances to be able to upgrade that MYO! See below for ways to get fancy traits! Hope you enjoy your time, and we look forward to seeing what Wishies everyone comes up with!

  • Join world or discord - Free MYO! [1 per person]
  • Advertise - 1 Uncommon trait

For Drawing:

  • Draw 1 Mascot/NPC - 1 Uncommon trait
  • Draw 2 Mascots/NPCs together - 1 Rare

For Writing: [Write about how your future Wishie comes to be]

  • 200 Words - Uncommon Trait
  • 400 Words - Rare Trait

Upgrade to a Mythical Trait by trading in a rare and uncommon. People are welcome to partake in BOTH writing and drawing if they want, but not required.

Enter your submissions below and we'll make sure to add the traits to your MYO over in Inventory!


Please fill out this form for your submissions!

What you are redeeming:

Submission: (Either post the image with a spoiler, or link it however you’d like! Please make sure any google docs are able to access, as well as make it so we can see the advertisement!)


Username: Oxytail
What you are redeeming

  • Free MYO [Join the World];
  • 1x Uncommon Trait [Advertise on Bulletin];
  • 2x Rare + 2x Uncommon Trait [Draw 2 Mascots/NPCs together];
  • 1x Rare + 1x Uncommon Trait [400 Words].

    Additionally, I'd change to exchange 2x Rare + 2x Uncommon for 2x Mythical - total should be 2x Uncommon, 1x Rare, 2x Mythical. I did these based on this reply, but in case I did something wrong just let me know. I haven't slept in a long time so I'm prone to mistakes >v<


Bulletin Advert:
Draw 2 Mascots/NPCs together:
I'll upload these to the profiles once you let me know they're good to go!
400 Words:
(462 to be exact)
Under the soft gaze of the sun lays a forest - greenery and critters of all shapes and colors flourish, like a small paradise. Some critters however, are stranger than others... But how did it come to be? Well...

Long ago, this forest was a little more used by intelligent life - due to concerns with protecting the fauna and flora around, preserving their habitat and ensuring they thrive, those people decided to keep their distance. Nowadays, rarely if ever does anyone stop by - mostly those whose job it is to track and document how things are doing, make sure the place is going strong! Still, back then... many young ones came to play, some visited with their guardians, there was even the odd picnic! And kids of course... they keep losing their things - including... this little teddy bear.

Oh, yes, this little green alien bear was nothing but a mere teddy all that time ago - although it's owner was fascinated with aliens! It's guardian decided that perhaps a green bear wasn't alien enough, and, after one more sweet ramble from their young explorer, Oxytail, decided to change it up as a gift.

Some paint, weird chemicals the youngin would never understand the names of, extra decorations... this is the result! The green teddy bear, a bear as it once was, now had antennae, could glow in the dark, and gosh was it just... perfectly alien! It took a good few days and quite some investment, but it was a job well done! Gifting it back was even better, finally seeing Oxy's reaction to it's new alien friend was priceless! From that moment, they were somehow even more inseperable! Where one went, the other followed, sitting in it's owner's embrace. That is, until that day.

Having a picnic in a pleasant sunny day with your kiddo sounds great, until an animal that definitely didn't belong in the forest comes stampeding towards you. They had to run, there was no choice. They could only return a week later, when it was deemed safe. Unfortunately, it had since rained quite the storm - and it encapsuled Oxy's mood, as it's teddy, Oxygen, was so far away. It was never found, they tried searching a few times, but nothing came of it.

But not all hope is lost! The critter you see today has gained life - Cielo granted it's wish: to never be alone again in it's search for it's owner. It came to life on a night like any other, save for a beautiful shoothing star that passed by the sky. Oxygen has since begun exploring the forest, trying to find clues and get the lay of the land. Oxygen hopes to find it's way back to it's owner some day, and this is where it begins.

Oxytail Looks good to us! I've reflected everything in your inventory! :D Love the art pieces btw! :3 They're amazing!


Thank you! I event forgot to link the reply lol, but I'm glad I did stuff right. TYSM!


Anytime! Everything has been added to your inventory as well. :)


Username: eggcatmaki
What you are redeeming: Free MYO (Joined World!)

Submission: N/A


It's been added to your inventory! :D eggcatmaki


Username: Myello
What you are redeeming: 1 x rare trait
Submission: Draw 2 Mascots/NPCs together 



Myello how cute!! I would add it to your inventory, but I'll skip the extra step. Consider your MYO approved now! :D