Common Thread Rules

Posted 7 years, 14 days ago (Edited 7 years, 14 days ago) by SupremeNerd42

Hi there! I decided that we might need to establish a few rules that can help everybody here have a good time and feel right at home. As long as you'll follow them, you'll be fine! Some may be bent, but only under certain specific situations that let them be bent, and only for specific characters PM me about it first and tell me which rule and why it is needed to be bent, and maybe I'll accept it.

  1. No God Modding! This is like avoiding every. Single. Attack. Or destorying anything in one hit. Or never taking damage no matter what. This isn't ever fair for the other person.
  2. No Mary Sues! Nobody is perfect, ESPECIALLY not a Superhero/Villain. This means that nobody can have perfect hair, perfect eyes, or a perfect complexion. No human in the history of the Universe has the ability to make any person who looks upon them fall in love, so no character can either. Avoid describing eyes with gemstones, don't always have their hair be perfect and flawless, and rember that you can only have perfect skin if you use a ton of makeup. A Hero or Villain won't have the time each morning to do their makeup, especially not if they have a tight schedule. Also, avoid pale (porcelain) complexions and being super skinny, one is a sign of being anorexic, the other probably means your character would burn in the heat of the sun.
  3. Don't control other's characters! You can note people ideas, yes, but you can't downright go and make their character do things, especially if it makes the character go OOC. If it's mind control, you CAN have your character tell the other what to do, but it's up to the other person what their character does and how they do it.
  4. No NSFW content! You don't know how old people who are looking at this can be, so just don't do it. And try not to suggest it either. If a character gets into a fight, they shouldn't come out that bad anyway. You've seen the fights in Marvel Films, right?
  5. Keep Swearing to a minimum! Most of the characters here are set to be in their teens, purely because a lot of the stuff here is about them being in a high school. They might KNOW the words for whatever reason, it just isn't right if they use them all the time. Only the older characters, and only when it fits.


If I am to think of any more that would be important to add, I'll add them. Any questions, please comment below! I'd be happy to help! I'll also note what rules are bent for what characters in my comment below. See you later for now, I guess.


Specifically Bent Rules

Abbey bends Rule 1 when she has all her Life Support Rings. This is easily solved by her losing one or more of them and not letting her get them back unless the situation calls for it.