The Pasture

Posted 3 months, 8 days ago by Pretty Boy Floyd Mexon

Pretty boy trots around the pasture, ears pricked and tail held high. He almost seems to float as he gives out a bellowing whinny and picks up his head and snorts into the brisk morning air.

[Post rp in the pasture on this thread!]

Valentic Knight NyxieWolf

Valentic is still, his head low. He charges suddenly, like he's spooked. He barrels towards Floyd, full speed, before pivoting and bucking, throwing his head into the air.

Pretty Boy Floyd Mexon

A light flickers in Floyd's eyes as he too takes off with a bellowing whinny and charges away from Valentic, tail high circling back towards Valentic ears pricked forward. He gives another welcoming whinny and moves from a gallop to a hastened trot.