✦ Strange Button

Posted 2 months, 3 days ago (Edited 2 months, 3 days ago) by Asrielmerrymoon

In the center of the playroom, a single button sits on the ground. The lab staff silently put it in place, and seem to have been watching to see what happens.



[1 Day Cool-Down]



As the button is pressed, a light chime comes from nearby! From the ceiling, some Jellycubes drop, bouncing on the soft foam ground!

[11 Jellycubes have been added to your inventory]



Just as you think the button isn’t going to do anything, it beeps! once! twice! three times!
a tile in the ceiling moves to the side, a pile of Jellycubes falling out!

[60 Jellycubes have been added to your inventory]

Insect <3 Cinnamon-Pochacco

79673977_hR9pxCxzSIPDxHy.pngSomething new? Count me in!

*Insect walks up to press the button*



As the button is pressed, a light chime comes from nearby! From the ceiling, some Jellycubes drop, bouncing on the soft foam ground!

… but as you move forward to claim them, a swarm of synths get there before you do! Losing yourself in the sea of biosynths, you feel your Jellycubes snatched out of your wing!
[you have lost 4 Jellycubes]


*press* :3



As the button is pressed, a light chime comes from nearby! From the ceiling, some Jellycubes drop, bouncing on the soft foam ground!

[4 Jellycubes have been added to your inventory]

🤍Orca-A🖤 Jadeleful

*Orca watches as the others press the button, before slowly stalking forward to press it herself*  :]


As the button is pressed, a light chime comes from nearby! From the ceiling, some Jellycubes drop, bouncing on the soft foam ground!

[37 Jellycubes have been added to your inventory]

Acco Cinnamon-Pochacco


A new button!





As the button is pressed, a light chime comes from nearby! From the ceiling, some Jellycubes drop, bouncing on the soft foam ground!


[27 Jellycubes have been added to your inventory]

🤍Orca-A🖤 Jadeleful

*Intrigued, Orca decides to come back the next day and press the button again*



As the button is pressed, a light chime comes from nearby! From the ceiling, some Jellycubes drop, bouncing on the soft foam ground!


[20 Jellycubes have been added to your inventory]

Blueberry Jam arcad3machine

BBJ tilts its head and gently, cautiously, boops the button.



As you press the button… nothing happens! Better luck next time!