What Does The User Above Remind You Of?

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by Vapor

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the first thing that comes into mind when I think of you is a library. a big one. like... one of those libraries where you could get lost in because of the sheer size. ik that when I see you in the forums, regardless of whether the thread is IC or OOC, I can always get a well-made and articulated response that demonstrates the amount of effort you put into your writing; hell, I still sometimes go back and read some of the replies you made for me in other threads because they're just?? so nice to read?? it's always refreshing to see users put the most effort they can into their claims, and you're perhaps one of the best examples of that. I really admire the level of vocabulary and skill you put into your writing, and in that regard, you inspire me in a way?? I imagine that range sort of corresponding to the library's large selection of books, where you're flexible but still have that common theme of being knowledgeable and articulate.

speaking of variety, you seem to have a lot of flexibility in your characters! I believe I've responded to quite a few of them during my time in the forums, and they employ a wide variety of settings and tropes that definitely make me think of a library haha. each one has their own unique lore that keeps them interesting to read about, but I've also noticed - over time - several trends that you tend to lean towards in terms of archetypes and themes (such as psychological themes in their backstory). furthermore, the level of detailing in your characters - especially the ones posted in forum games - is honestly... really nice.... it reminds of a juicy, interesting book that you can check out from the library, and just like a good book, I ended up getting pretty invested in a few of your characters and narratives over time.

based on that and your forum posts, I associate you with detail and formality in the best way possible, and I hope to continue seeing you around the forums! :0c


   - don't worry about the length haha; I actually have problems articulating the reasoning behind my own vibes as well, so I can understand where you're coming from in that regard.

that asides, those seem pretty accurate haha. especially the cottage in the forest and the plants?? definite mood for me right there.... and the sunset-Drifloon comparison is pretty neat tbh-


this is probably weirdly specific but u give me vibes of those cute cottages in misty forests, where it's a little cold so the interior is full of throw blankets and hot chocolates and a lit fireplace w/ big shelves of books
i have no idea why, but i defs get those vibes :0 lots of plants too, i guess that gets covered w/ the forests thing, but just plants in general! probably got that association due to those cute leaf decals on ur profile tbh
if i had to pick a plant specifically, maybe a strawberry bush? has that little pop of colour amongst the green! 

sorry this doesn't compare w/ the length everyone else is giving but i'm not v good at going in depth w/ descriptions, especially since idk why i get these vibes at all so i can't even go into detail ;^^ i hope this is ok tho! 

i guess i can add that i also think of sunrise skies w/ lots of fluffy clouds floating by, something light and airy from ur driftloon profile pic! those big fields w/ long grass that blow about in the breeze underneath that sky too

v oh man i LOVE that aesthetic and i rly love hanging out by water at night it's v peaceful so that makes me happy :D it's such a good view thankyou <3 and i defs say hi to every cat i meet :D and the thing w/ the clothes shop and music definitely fits me as well bc whenever i'm in the city shops, jay jays is probs the first place i end up and i can spend an hour in there tbh ;w; this is so good thankyou again :D


You give me the same vibes as like.... when ur in the city after the sun has set after a hot summer's day. The air's cooled off a bit but you can still feel the heat coming off of the concrete and it's humid enough that u wanna go and get icecream even though it's like 7pm. What flavour of icecream? Something bright and sweet n a bit colourful, like strawberry or mint choc chip. And u go to eat it down by the waterfront even though it's dark. And u go and get a pizza and sit down on the grass somewhere w ur friends n eat it. its a nice night and there's no mozzies or anything. lying down on the grass & just talking shit it's a good time. Also feeling u get when someone drops something small like a bit of jewlery or something and ur looking around in the grass 2 find it with just the light of ur phones & the moon... 

^ Those r some really abstract vibes its hard for me to specify why but yeah I get Perth Summertime Vibes from u even tho I'm pretty sure ur not from Perth haha :'v I kno ur Hillview OCs r based in Queensland but this is the closest thing I have to personally reference! They make me think of this for some reason yeah. Just a snapshot of like a whole segment of time and space. It's grounded and it's real but it's also a little dreamy at the same time. And like it's just a little chunk but it feels so detailed and has a lot of nuance in there... like ur aproach to ur OCs. It's something I've always liked about ur stuff :v

I also get the vibe of like. Have u ever been walking down the street and u encounter a friendly cat? And u are like "ah hello" and the cat is chill and friendly and a bit chatty then it disappears off somewhere again. A little bit mysterious like that hey but in a good way. I typed this before I stopped to consider the fact u have a cat in your username fhfhfhfh ok that might be where that's from. but yes. That feeling of crossing paths with a creature that's got its own life going on.

Also this one is even more inexpliccable but.... the feeling of being in a trendy clothes shop and they have music thats playing on the radio and ur sort of just lulls u into that weird trance. Like it's not weird or bad it just feels like a slightly different world.


vv aaaaa this made me smile so much omg ;w; thank u i love this


Mmm, summer vibes, but like the end of summer. Not the hot, high-energy days of ice cream and beaches and sunlight so bright it kind of burns type of summer. The last parts of the sunset fading into nighttime over the lake, thunderstorms outside a hotel window, or whale watching on a cloudy day.

I also think of preserved things in museums, exhibits you’d normally pass by on the way to what you were there to see but that catch your attention so much you nearly miss the fact that it’s almost closing time. Rooms with blacklights that make your sneakers glow, leaving a movie theater right as it’s getting dark out. City streets with no traffic. Late-night indie concerts that you’ve left early because you need to catch a train. Distant neon signs with a few letters missing that you want to go get a picture of because the letters are missing JUST right and it spells something much funnier than the original sign. Photos that make you wonder how they were taken, and that one cat down the street that might be someone’s familiar.

sorry for length, I’m on mobile and can’t actually tell if I’ve written enough ahah- I get very liminal vibes from you I think? Moments between moments, and places you don’t really think about until someone else says HEY, I WAS THERE LAST WEEK! Since magic is such a theme in your OCs, I wanted to get a feeling of something like that, too!

v aaaaa i love this! the aesthetic here is right up my alley! i defo appreciate the animal  it's actually not the first time i've been told i have deer energy, lol  thing, not because your response was confusing (it wasn't dw), but because I just think that type o thing is interesting! I'm going to like, make a fursona save this somewhere. 


We don't communicate much, but I do see you around. Your vibes give me this sense of a sort of sadness? An angry sadness at that, one that is sort of tired of being sad and wants to get over it but can't quite figure it out. 

You also remind me of really regal/royal settings. The colors of white and worn gold pop up immediately when I think of you, but at the same time so does a quiet greyish-blue. Scenes that I see in my head are long corridors with many artistic paintings on them. 

Alternatively, I see castles when I think of you? Not the silly simple ones in kids movies, but the really big ass ones with statues of angels and stuff on the outside. They're pretty grey and big, but also for you..I feel they're fairly empty. Not abandoned or unfurnished, just without people. I think they'd be decorated and kept nicely, just alone. 

I'll give you an animal too since my way of describing might be cryptic and you might be like wow..thanks, I remind you of weird shit. You remind me specifically of a grey deer, with some baby horns that aren't super big or anything yet. Youthful and prideful, but also a bit of a loner. Reserved and easily sensitized to others perceptions of them. 


hello. lance you remind me of a fun halloween night. be it hanging out at a costume party or staying in and watching classic horror films, or even the memory of trick-or-treating as a little kid. you also remind me of a bonfire party on a cool autumn night. you just give off this sense of glee / enthusiasm that's pretty endearing, but not overwhelming? it's like a very touch-and-go sort of happiness, one that comes around about every month or so, but you enjoy it every time.

but, animal-wise, you also sort of give off the vibes of like... a huge dog. maybe a golden retriever, but i think more so a family-friendly great dane that just likes to hang out on your couch and never move an inch. one that just wants to chill and watch the show. very friendly with even strangers.


bc of ur icon, u've always made me think of snakes! but to be more specific, lush jungles full of bird calls w/ a large green python just idling on one of the branches of a big old tree :0 the jungle's kinda dark bc of the thick canopy, but full of movement! a little humid too, but not so much that it's uncomfortable! there'd be no human life around, just pure nature as far as the eye can see! no rubbish, nothing. lots of trees and animals and clean air
u'd be able to hear running water and the leaves of plants would still be wet from recent rain, maybe the bottom of the forest would be a little misty in a fantasy-like way... tbh i probably get the watery vibes from ur username tbh, as in like water vapor 

but ig a condensed version would be snakes, lots and lots of green, peaceful jungle/forest aesthetics! those are the vibes i always get from u


ooh i love both of those!!! they're such nice aesthetics thank u ;w;


you remind me of like... a high fantasy setting but a modern setting at the same time but not like... intertwined? you remind me of the two seperately

when i say high fantasy i mean dragons and adventure and fun with your friends out in the world, danger and mischief and intrigue around the corner at any moment. but at the same time you remind me of a more modern world, where things go by day-by-day, and the passage of time and sense is grounded firmly in reality - but that doesn't mean it can't be interesting. it's a sense of familiarity, and the company of those you've seemed to know forever.

same environment wise, you give me vibes of both a densely overgrown fantastic forest and that of a sleek city with its tall buildings

does this make any sense? probably not but those are the vibes and things that remind me of you and your creations.........

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You remind me of a warm summers breeze & hint of blueberry


apologies if my response is a bit superficial, as I don't think I've interacted with you in the forums before (so I don't really have a strong impression of you that I can base my associations off of), but... I'll still try to articulate a response based on your characters and general first impressions, if that's okay!

based on the monochrome aesthetic that your account seems to have, I want to say that you sort of remind me of a traditional horror movie. like one of those monochrome ones from the 1930s-1940s? the fact that you have a heart - the organ - in your icon sort of makes me think of the macabre, and some of your folder icons fall under a similar energy. your username also makes me think of the moon, which can be ominous at times depending on the context? (though the "Luna" bit definitely provides a softer, more light-hearted contrast to that which I find interesting.) the monochrome aesthetic extends to some degree for your characters, such as Ava, though white, grey, and black are common colors throughout your characters (even if they're not always prominent). furthermore, the relatively wide-ranging designs that your characters tend to have sort of reminds me of the artistic variety that a lot of the earlier horror movies had - at least before certain tropes became seen as more popular/cliche.

overall, it's definitely an association that applies both literally and when considering juxtaposition/subversion imo, though once more, I apologize if this comes off as shallow ahhhhh- ;;


   - ngl, the old Pokemon game thing was kinda surprising because I'm personally more of an Unova and Sinnoh fan, and neither of those regions are particularly old lmao.

the books and plants are a total fucking MOOD though!! I adore both with a passion, and seeing those thrown around in the associations always puts a smile on my face. :")

the light glittering on water is a particularly interesting comparison; I don't think people have compared my art to different things before, let alone something like that, so reading that made me go "huh" in a nice way! also, dw about the length man; the reply was still a pleasure to read nonetheless- :"000


You remind me of those old pokemon games because of your icon~ You also remind me of something warm and cozy like a fireplace? Oh and about vintage books with beautifully ornate covers~ Oh and of plants, too! A chamomile to be exact! You also remind me of how light glitters on water, maybe because of the way you draw eyes? 

Actually, sorry xD It all is pretty random, and i just wrote the first things that came to mind, not really overthinking it 


You remind me of warm Saturday afternoon; people going shopping or on a date? Probably because your characters and adopts are all so fashionable! You also remind me of sharing a hot drink with a friend, like coffee or hot cocoa! Or stuff like popcorn, crepes or pancakes! Something cozy, and somewhat nostalgic, also? I also associate you with romantic and elegant aesthetics, like roses and laces. Or, and these old angel statues you find in cemeteries, that end up being covered by vegetation... And poetry! Romantic poetry! Also, when I think about you, pink and brown are the first colours that come to my mind!