unpopular opinion game

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago by pepperfr3sh

so uh theres one of these on cs and i havent seen anything like it on here yet so uh,, here! (please lmk if one of these is already existent and i'll close this one qwq)

heres how it works! one person states an unpopular opinion of theirs, and then the next person agrees with it, or disagrees, then states their unpopular opinion!


Person A: mac and cheese and ketchup r good together

Person B: Disagree. cats are better than dogs

I hope this makes sense qwq;


- Nothing nsfw!! lets try n keep it pg 13 here

- No hate or being disrespectful, please.

- dont spam post!! make sure at least 3 people have posted after you before you post again!

- please do not state any opinions that could be seen as possibly offensive!! this is a light hearted fun lil game,,,,

and thats it! have fun!!


Agree but I can't justify getting one because of how much they suffer naturally as a breed :( I always look at them and bulldogs and feel so bad for them!


Mayo is better than mustard. ://


Agree x3

Animals are actually smarter than human


u know what? agree. some humans are so dumb they make my dog look smart, and she has one brain cell that bounces around like a DVD screensaver


screamo is good sometimes


soft agree- it's not really my preferred genre of music but I'm the sort of person who won't really write off any genre of music as bad because there are always exceptions, and there are definitely some screamo type bands/songs I enjoy

snakes are good and cute noodle friends


BIG AGREE! I love snakes so much! <3

Neither cat nor dog is better than each other. You, a individual human being, understanding one species better than the other, does not make it superior.


Indoajdjd?? My perception doesn't make a thing a fact for the universe, no, but it makes it a fact for my reality! And I like both equally, how amusing. 


Green apple is the best candy flavor!

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Disagreeee :( I can't give up boba tea! And I love certain coffee drinks 😔


Vampires who break traditional superstition (Garlic, can't walk past running water, etc) are overdone

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i'm actually somewhat neutral abt this, i consider kpop no different to english music, bc it's just music in a different language - tho if i had to pick, soft agree. if only agree bc of how overhyped it is by kpop stans :0 it's not godly perfect, it's just music 🤷‍♂️ if that makes sense lol i probably could've summerised that in less words


snakes, arachnids, and creepy crawlies are great and make nice pets!


i like snakes! but i don't like other creepy critters..i can appreciate them from afar..but bugs make me upset, especially spiders...


ice cream isn't AS GOOD AS PEOPLE SAY IT IS

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this may be a weird approach, but.... from my personal experience, given that banh mi (a dish common in my culture) falls under the definition of a sandwich and follows a relative similar format to a hot dog (bread wrapped around a filling), then... I'm gonna say that I agree since you're technically right?? for some reason, I sort of think a hot dog is more of a wrap though... :"))


drawing hands isn't the hardest part of drawing humans/humanoids.... it's the face...

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