Guess the personality of the OC above!

Posted 3 years, 7 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by poicyss

First forum ever woo! Hope this isn't already a thing...

THIS IS BASED ON APPERENCE ONLY! Don't peek at bios, or that just spoils the fun :(
You can look through the character's gallery, but try to mainly base it off of the icons first if you can!
Also, try to keep all guesses at least a sentence or two long! Don't just say stuff like "They look nice"

I think aside from that I don't have any rules! Just be nice and have fun :)

*ੈ✩ ┊Fendi SedatedSix

Gray003 kinda browsed over this guy a little while ago but!! Probably comes off as intimidating at first, likes silence and dislikes small talk. Quite calm in most situations- handles stress well. Might know his way around weapons. Looks like he's a born leader and is very intelligent! although truly, especially to his family, I think he's a big sweetheart. 

Lindy axolotl

Fendi appears rowdy, rebellious, and probably a bit of a daredevil. He looks like he listens to punk rock and maybe even be part of a band. He shops for skater tees and converse. He might even have a blacklight in his room, posters and a neon sign.

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Romulus Hemlawke

I assume that Tequila is a little bit of a stickler for the rules because anything going out of the norm stresses them out. I also assume that Tequila wants to talk to people more but just doesn't know the best way to go about it and frequently gets overwhelmed, especially if they are in a big group. 

Polo Pimn

Romulus looks like they're from a fairly high up background. Either that or they occupy an important position. They're elegant and orderly, very tidy person. They also look polite and charismatic, but that's mostly to strangers, in person they're more quiet and thoughtful. Romulus also looks like he'd be a bookworm, and honestly a bit of a smartass.

The cocky and headstrong part is definitely accurate fgasjdhfjhdafshd

*ੈ✩ ┊Joey SedatedSix

PyneCone definitely confident, cocky and a bit cynical, he is great at reading others and gets along with most others- even though he can do just fine on his own. He probably takes care of his appearance, but doesn't care much about outside opinions. Polo is headstrong and determined. I hope I got some of this accurate lolol

 Darling Audlien

Joey seems to be slightly self-righteous, but something tells me that it is slightly qualified. They know they're the best at what they do because they ARE the best at what they do. Something tells me that if taken out of a situation they feel like they can control, they'll at first pretend that everything is fine, they can do this, but soon after have a panic-attack behind doors. Also gonna guess their species. Zebra-Donkey Mix.

 ✨【- Plum -】✨ Commie

Darling seems like they're a very kind, optimistic fella !!!! Seems like they'd be incredibly into nature (pretty gems specifically! they look like theyd like geodes!), and spend their time near ponds/rocky outcroppings for hours just admiring the view & bugs !! They give me the vibes of a generally jolly fella; tends to keep to themselves if possible, though they aren't at all opposed to hanging out with folks they're close too! 100% seems like theyd have a pretty rock/plant collection, or a journal that keeps info of cool stuff they find jotted down/full of sketches of said things! overall very nice company!! :]

. Jasper Tobias 🐍 . mrjuice

I feel like he would be the type of person to jump around at legit anything and would get excite about anything! He probably loves the outdoors and nature just because honestly he wouldn't really have a reason. I feel like he would be like a pretty chill dude to hang out with but at the same time very chaotic and bouncy!

 ⎡🕸⎦ ROTTY Zinkyzor

Probably pretty eccentric, im guessing he's a bit of an ass at times but an overall fun guy

Poppet FellowPigeon

The design is giving me kinda, Used Car Salesman, Beetlejuice vibes so my guess would be that he's a bit of a tricky character who's probably not someone you should trust. I could also see him being a rather chaotic character who probably commits crimes/general villainous acts in the name of a good time. 

The sarcastic and quiet at first part is rather accurate! The pleasant part a bit less so haha

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Mads Sunlocke

He looks like a very normal, tired guy who's surrounded by cryptic/mystical happenings and completely unfazed by any of it. He just wants it to go away so he can get back to reading or napping or something. Usually pretty quiet too besides complaining or dropping a snarky one-liner. He also looks sort of fancy though, like he might be a little stuck up/snooty when he does talk. 

Keegan TheEliBlog

I’m guessing kind of snarky and annoyable, probably a very pissed off dude if you even up making him very mad. He also seems like he gets into trouble seeing the scars on his face, maybe from fighting off a person or an animal. Probably has trust issues.

Blair Aarix

nervy, squeamish, stick in the mud. good at visualising worst case scenarios. law-abider and rule follower. doesn't know what fun is and will make it your problem. strong opinions-- thinks they are being totally reasonable when in reality they are making an idiot of themselves.