Comment IC on the OC above you

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by yonah

What it says on the tin. I think it's fun to comment on OC profiles in-character as an OC who's related in some way or maybe would have something to say to them. 

When you're done, just post IC here that you did it and the next person will comment on that one. First post is a freebie!

Let me know if this thread's already a thing and I'll delete this and bump that one instead! It's kind of hard to find threads that aren't in the top couple of pages...

Edit: Some people are adding links to their comments. This is perfectly fine, but you don't have to- if you find you've been skipped please let me know! You don't have to reply to the comment either, but you totally can.


claim, done

NP: Anyone from Phantoms or Chromatics folders, except Chrysanthe and Rozz (they are picked in the past posts here)


Claim! Cameron pursues a lead

Anyone's fair game!

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This user is not visible to guests.
I hate it here DAMNFIEND

Commented on Renard :)



@ person below me. Anyone in the 5 star folder is fine ^^

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Claim! Taka looks for a potential customer.

Anyone's fair game!

This user is not visible to guests.

Claim! Done!

Next person, please comment on a character with at least some info?

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Claim, I have... a plan En's love adventure continues

Anyone's fair game!

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You can pick anyone :D



NP: Just picked anyone from the Get Fudged folder but if you have time, please do Francis but do anyone if you want.


Claim :)


@ new person. You can do anyone but characters in the 1st Special folder or 2nd Special folder are preferred