How hard is the above oc to draw?

Posted 2 years, 18 days ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by Olga Simm CometTheMountainLion

This is a design game. How easy or hard is it to draw the oc above you?

0: I can do this in my sleep!

10: Nope. Nopenopenope. I... I just can’t.

Uta Jiro Awake_Ache

10/10 god that piano wrap would kill me from the inside out ToT. Not to mention I am horrible at drawing ferals. So everything would kill me T^T (that character design is EPIC btw!)

 jeff dolan

5/10 im not too good at drawing humans but other than that i feel like i could confidently draw this oc !

 ⚰️l Lucifer Valc

2/10 i think i can draw em owo

Lilac Springblossom Cutegirl920fire

2/10 Looks pretty easy to draw! I see no obvious issues that'll complicate things.

Astra kleptomaniac


I can't draw humans 😭

kat rakuneko

3/10, eh ferals aren't too hard for me to draw as much as they were something i avoided drawing a few years ago.

Darlene & George crrisp

Omg 3/10. It will take me a while to paint all the little trinkets n accessories from the character design, but thats the BEST part n gonna be fun!!! I love the candy colors so much aaaa 🥰💕🌈☁️⭐✨🍬🍭🍫
ic is 2 characters in one profile, feel free to take a look and choose whoever!

Celah (TBN) Cutegirl920fire

1/10 For both; they have pretty simple designs!