What age do you think the above OC is?

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by  Ryo Takahashi unused-account

//sweats it's been too long since I've made a forum game

but anyway, here it is! I imagine this is gonna be a hard game, so you can guess a general age group or specific age!

Make sure you don't look at the above OC's profile! That's cheaty cheating

I'll start with Ryo!

Damn that's really close! He's 17!


Jinx Spottednwn


v close!

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Elaina (Vivian) Alexg47


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Beastlord Wistra Ashenthorne AsianTapWater

i wanna guess kinda young? like somewhere around 23 maybe?

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Kuzan Hibycus

Looks like ageless but if aged then probly 14?

Tiffany Cupcake_Princess

Maybe 18?

Rowan Collier CometTheMountainLion


Ozzy Müller Sleepytttrash_x57


Aeolus LittleRobot

I wanna say 16-17?

v lmao Aeolus is like. 8,000-ish😭

Bryn Briony everlasting_ice

i would say.... 16??? 15 maybe??

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Dahlia Cupcake_Princess


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