Everyone's OCs are stuck in one house, Survive.

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 8 months, 25 days ago) by Dequinox

IDK if someone has already done this, if so, I'll probably take this down

everyones ocs are stuck in one house and this is the forum to roleplay/complain about it!


OC 1: "SOMEONE stole my YOGURT from the FRIDGE even though it was CLEARLY marked as OC 1!!!!"

OC 2: "yeah sorry that was me lol"

please only respond IC (You can ask questions/talk in ooc every once n a while though, just make sure to mark it as /ooc and not apart of the ic talk)

feel free to put any sort of effort into it, but this is mostly meant to be a low-effort forum!

this accidentally became more of an rp so it may now be in the wrong section, but we wont look at that

BTW here are some established things:

-the house is inescapable, going out of the front door will only lead you back inside.

-the house is ALSO infinite

-no ones able to permanently die

-Twitter has been replaced with tweeter, and the only people on it are the OCs’ accounts, same thing has happened with every other social media


no nsfw, obviously,

try to stay away from real-life politics

I’ll check into this thread every once n a while

BTW I read every message :^)

EDIT: IVE NOTICED THIS HAS PICKED BACK UP AGAIN!! Um. I’ll get to re-reading through all the messages but I’ve been quite inactive and woke up to 300 messages here so it may take a second. THANKS FOR THE ACTIVITY THO !!

Lucina and Louise (Louise) MCAverse_Database

I'm trying to go home, to find my twin sister... and you are here just to annoy all of us barf haired thing!! pixelatedvirus

David Jumper Savapproved

"I gotta go outside and get some fresh air." David tries to leave but he's literally just led back to the same place. "Huh?"

Bear MCAverse_Database

Meowww!! (We are stuck in the same superhell) 

David Jumper Savapproved

"A cat dressed in a bear costume, how cute! I guess that's one positive about this place huh?"

Bear MCAverse_Database

Meow :333 (I'm bear!) 

David Jumper Savapproved

"Well nice to meet you bear, I'm David. Umm, how did we get here and how do we get out?"

Bear MCAverse_Database

Meowww (no clue, but I think some of them strangers went through a portal earlier???) 

David Jumper Savapproved

"A portal? Where exactly?"

Bear MCAverse_Database

Meoww!! (Los angeles? Now its gone.)

David Jumper Savapproved

"Ah heck, well that sucks. But thanks for helping anyway :]" David then hears something, loud keyboard playing. He knew that playing style from anywhere! "Umm I'm gonna go over there now, you can come if you'd like?" David followed the sound and saw Ricky, trying to play like Rick Wakeman amongst all these random characters. "Wait, Ricky?! How'd you get here?"

Bear MCAverse_Database

*Bear gave a nod and followed* Meowww???? 

Xander (ISLE) charmingterror


Ricky LaughStock Savapproved

Ricky stops keyboard playing. "Wait, you're here!? How'd you even get here? Better yet, how do we find our way out??" 

"I've been wondering the exact same thing!!" said a deep, cockney voice. They knew exactly who that was.

Bear MCAverse_Database

meoww (Superhell) snowcultist

Sebastian Runner Savapproved

"You guys are here too? God, I thought I was going insane! I was thinking maybe I should tone down the drinking, but that doesn't seem to be the problem here."

They all did a reunion hug, idk something goofy ahh

"Oh and, who's this cat in the bear costume?"