
!! I'm adding a quick disclaimer for if I ever add Ricky to a roleplay or something lol. Yes Ricky is a really rude and mean offensive asshole, and that doesn't mean I agree with what he says. I'm just simply try to write out his character properly. And nah I won't change the way he acts because someone is mad lol anyways onto his info

Here's Ricky :D This epic and totally awesome striped hyena dude grew up in Germany with a family of spotted hyenas. That's the main reason he's such a dickhead to everyone, even his own friends. Spotted hyenas are assholes lmao. Ricky actually had a really fun time with his family and he loved growing up with them. He acts a whole lot like a spotted hyena, he'll laugh like one, maybe eat some food while it's still living, idk he just acts more like a spotted hyena. 

During Ricky's teenage years, he and his family decide to move to America and this is where Ricky learns English. At first Ricky had a really strong German accent and would sometimes talk to other people in German regardless if they could understand him or not, and that's simply because English is apparently one of the hardest languages to learn. But y'know as he kept learning he got better and better at it and to this day he doesn't have an accent anymore because now he can just speak fluent English with no problems. 

Ricky was a huge bully in high school, and of course because of this, he had a very small friend group. He didn't mind though, he thought being a bully was fun. His family kind of encouraged it tbh, they thought it was the funniest shit. Ricky would even try to bully the totally super awesome beefcake gigachad himself, Tommy. Literally nobody was safe lmao. Of course his bullying didn't affect Tommy, because Tommy doesn't give a shit what others think of him. At some point Ricky and Tommy become really good friends and they start to share the same music interests and stuff like that, but this isn't about Ricky and Tommy love story so lets move that shit out the way. Back to bullying! Obviously, Ricky dealt with multiple consequences of bullying. Yknow, like getting his ass kicked, getting suspended, detentions, stuff like that. You know what though? Ricky didn't even care. He literally just continued anyway because fuck the school rules and broken bones! Yay!

Now onto music. Ricky discovered many swag bands as a kid, but there was one band in particular that he really loved, and that band is called Yes. The music was just great, and there was something about their music that really stood out to him: Those keyboards. Those super awesome, epic keyboards. This is where Ricky became obsessed with piano. He was actually super lucky at the time because for some reason, his family has a piano! I don't know why exactly, maybe for decoration? But anyways, Ricky would play the piano like, everyday. It's gotten to a point where his mom was like, "Eh screw it, I'll get this guy a keyboard" and so he did. Not only was Ricky totally obsessed with keyboards, but he was also totally inspired by the guy behind those keyboards in Yes, and that guys name is Rick Wakeman, AKA the totally legendary keyboard wizard. Ricky thought he was the GREATEST keyboard player of all time. Bro could literally play 2 keyboards at the same time! Of course Ricky thought he was freaking amazing :D this guy is who Ricky wanted to be; a super-duper-wuper-nuper awesome legendary keyboard player. Hmm, I've been talking about Ricky's obsession with keyboards for a while now, so lets move on to singing. 

Not only is Ricky super good at playing keyboards now, he's also a really good singer, and he has an excellent vocal range. I'm not sure who exactly inspired him to sing, Jon Anderson perhaps? Steve Perry? Because of this, he actually tried to form a band. David on violin or guitar, Stella on drums. But surprise surprise he was missing a guitarist and bassist. Well, that's where Sebastian and Samantha come in, but honestly I have no idea how Ricky manages to get them to join his goofy ahh unfinished band so I'm not getting into that. We'll just continue on with Ricky's high school years! Anyways, Ricky has played in band in high school and he would always play the keyboards. He was also in choir. There's not really much to talk about here honestly, all I can say is is that even though his classmates thought he was just a huge dickhead all the time, they had to admit that not only was he an amazingly talented keyboardist, but singer as well. 

Now to this day, he and his friends(AKA David, Vince, Sebastian and Samantha) are all in a band and they are trying to build themselves up to fame, and it seems to be going pretty well! Especially with Sebastian and Samantha now in the band, and since they were already famous, it definitely helps promote the band more :) I'm gonna go now, there's not really much more to share about Ricky. Toodaloo :3


Now, I know damn well y'all read Ricky's profile and you're all thinking, "Holy shit this guy is an asshole!! Omg!!" and while that is true, he does have a few redeeming qualities. Ricky actually cares about his friends, even the ones in his bully gang. Like, lets say if one of his friends were getting their ass kicked, Ricky would jump in to save them 100%. He also cares for his family very much, especially his little sisters who I haven't even created yet. He would be very protective of them. He has that "NOBODY CAN BULLY MY SISTERS EXCEPT ME" attitude going on. 

I have no idea whether this will be canon or not, but I'm thinking of a part in Ricky's story where he actually saves one of his high school friends from a suicide attempt. Yeah, it's pretty dark, but stories got to have drama or else they won't be interesting, or idk. The character's name will be Randy, and like he has a design, but I haven't made his actual ref sheet yet. Listen, humans are hard to draw, okay!?!?

Look at Ricky's newest ref sheet. See that hole in his left ear? That's from when he got one of his earrings ripped out in a fight. I'm sure it hurt like, really badly. It's all good though, he got a replacement earring! :]

When Ricky gets very angry, he goes into what I like to call, a German rage. Basically, he'll just start screaming and cussing you out in German lmao. HaHa RiCkY wAs ReJeCtEd FrOm ArT sChOoL!!!!111!!!11!!