✨The person below be gets.. (WITH A TWIST)✨

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 7 months, 26 days ago) by SunsetBeach

The classic game, but with a slight twist!

I love playing this game in order to give back and receive, but so often I see people posting “TPBM gets 10 favs!” Or something like that, and it won’t get claimed for a good few hours because people don’t really want to get the favs. I’ve decided to make a thread where you are NOT ALLOWED to offer thread-stoppers such as favs, subs, comments (unless HCs, in character, etc.)

So… what can you offer up for claiming?

—> HCs


—> Customs

—> Art (anywhere from a sketchy traditional headshot all the way to a fully shaded digital scene!)

—> IC comments

—> Genuine thoughts on characters (YOU MAY NOT say stuff like: “it’s cool!” And make that the only comment. Be creative! What do you like particularly about the design? What draws you towards the character? Etc.)

—> Anything else????

You may NOT offer up…

—> Dollmaker/AI OCs

—> NSFW/Heavy gore OCs (Minor friendly thread!)

—> Favs

—> SIMPLE HCs (such as: “They are a girl. They like toys.” Etc.)

—> Subs 

Ping the person you’re claiming from!

Don’t know how this works? Here’s an example!

Person 1: “TPBM gets a shaded fullbody!”

Person 2: “Claim @— TPBM gets FIVE HCs!”


You have 24 hours to fill non-Art claims and 2 weeks to fill Art claims.

WAIT THREE PEOPLE BEFORE CLAIMING AGAIN! (Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4, Person 1)

PLEASE: Finish your claim before claiming again! Thank you ^^

Question? Ask me! Having a problem that deals with the thread? Tell me and I’ll handle it!

Public blacklist: N/A (let’s keep it that way!) 

Public strikes list: 

-BonesandGroans (1 strike— failure to obey 08/27/23 and 08/30/23 issued rules.)

-raizzmatazz (2 strikes— failure to complete claim, rude behaviour when confronted)

-Trespeak (1 strike- failure to change up offer after the specified time and without valid reasoning given beforehand.)

-BuddieBeaniez (1 strike- offered up favs which is strictly against the rules. Also, failure to change up offer after the specified time and without valid reasoning given beforehand.)

-Smudged (1 strike- failure to change up offer after the specified time and without valid reasoning given beforehand.)

-milonyan (1 strike- failure to change up offer after the specified time and without valid reasoning given beforehand.)

-Meowmeow (1 strike- failure to change up offer after the specified time and without valid reasoning given beforehand.)

-Birkin (1 strike- offered up favs which are strictly against the rules.

-m0thwinq (2 strikes- claimed by a user, but still did not fill the claim even a month later. They have been contacted multiple times.)

-MeowMeow422 (1 strike- offered up favs, which is strictly against the rules.)

-Bakugo_mha (2 strikes- offered up favs, which is strictly against the rules, and did not change up their offer within the given time.)

-LostInTranslation (1 strike- failure to change up offer after the specified time and without valid reasoning given beforehand.)

I’ll be jumping the thread every now and then :)

I’ll start! TPBM gets a random OC <3

--> Added rules <--

08/27/23: If you notice that after 3-4 hours your post has not been claimed, you MUST change what you are offering up. One that same note, you must change your offer after 1-2 hours, if it has not been claimed, if you are offering HCs, genuine comments, or other low-effort things. This is so that the thread does not get held up by one offer that maybe people don't really want. Thank you for understanding! <3

08/30/23: You may now add another option to your offer rather than changing your offer entirely after the set number of hours. Now if you are HONEST about this, you may put “at school” or “going to bed” or “at work” or any other reasons you may need to indicate that it may be a bit longer until you are able to change your offer around. By doing this you are granted 8-12 hours (8 for school/work, 10 for sleep, and varying hours for any other reasons) to change the offer up.

09/09/23: I do understand that there are time zones, longer work shifts, and other factors that come into play when not being able to change up the offer. The rule has now been extended to a full 24 hours as long as you put in your post a valid reason such as “sleep”, “work”, “school&hw”, etc. But if you know you cannot fulfill this— do not post. It’s as simple as that. If you’d like to go to a thread with hold-ups that last up to multiple days and have no required changing-offer rule, I suggest going to this threadThis thread is meant to be pretty quick-moving and it’s meant to not have any hold ups like the other one. Thanks for understanding. ❤️ 

11/05/23: Even if you have claimed recently and you are unable to claim until more people post, you may claim again if the most recent post is not claimed after 10 hours. You may also use this to say “pass” instead of claiming even if you have claimed/passed recently. This is to avoid hold-ups, but do not take advantage of this.


(Repost, messed up ping) 

Claim INZOMNIV ! would one of these guys be alright? ^_^

tpbm gets a halfbody of their anthro/feral oc!

finished and sent!

Circuit Master Taithebrownfox

KAAAAAAAAT claim! Is IC okay? :3


TPBM gets 5 hcs and a song assigned to their OC!

Done, commented!

Corvidae Felisidae

Taithebrownfox Claim ^^!

Could I get those for the IC please?

Tpbm gets my genuine thoughts or a few songs assigned to a character!

Mack Robinson / Roadrunner batsunsetz

claim Felisidae ic, or if his bio is too heavy, arcus (in the same folder) is okay! OH I FORGOR TO SPECIFY thoughts, please!

np gets a sketchy headshot of their simple humanoid or mecha 

OR an ic comment from anyone in my superhero or ttherasse folders

OR they get a random sized piece on photoshop (you must be okay with me submitting the piece for my animation class warmups, and their design must be reasonably school appropriate for that reason)

OR a short drabble (300 wordish) about a relationship (both characters bios must be completed + there must be reasonable amounts of information about their dynamic)

edited! edited again!

v you are JUST IN TIME im halfway through the warmup rn ill get him done :)


Lukas Steele PK_Skeletons

Claim batsunsetz , can I have the photoshop one for IC, please?


The person below me gets, choose one:

A song assigned to their OC

My honest thoughts on your character's design

Some headcanons for IC with little development

A drawing of your IC, ranging from bust to half-body (HUMANS AND HUMANOIDS ONLY)

A paragraph long character interaction with your IC and any of mine (take your pick!) Will post in your character's comments

v Sent!

Tempest chendraws

PK_Skeletons claim! Could i get HCs for IC?

TPBMG a song assigned to an oc

my take a bot to change, i'm in class


sighhh pass

tpbm gets (pick one)
a headshot (anthro/feral)
a pokemon team for their char!

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✈︎ IKARUS FLEISCHER ✈︎ Cricetivitycreates

Birkin claim!! (song option) Is the character profile that this was posted from alright?


NP gets:

- Minimum 3 semi-detailed headcanons for an OC


- 2 songs assigned to a character


- An IC comment from anyone on my acc!

DENTA lezbtron


ill take the headcanons for IC! If IC doesn't spark anything, feel free to do PAL ! You can dm/pm them to me! 


person below me gets 3 detailed headcanons for an oc, doesn't matter how much info they have! (if they have little to none i'll go based off of appearance!) 

OR, you can get a moodboard for your oc, either a silly/meme one or a serious/aesthetic one!

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Levian Faulkner LittleRobot

claim Joeboateo

we'd love some for IC and/or Bastien, depending on who you get inspired by!

tpbm gets genuine thoughts on their IC or a song from our playlist

v done!

[ Behemoth ] MechanicalArtist

Claim LittleBaphomet ! I'd love some genuine thoughts for this guy :]

TPBM gets 3 semi-detailed headcanons, or 3 songs from my personal playlist! (Will fulfill once I get home!)

Sebastian Runner Savapproved

claim MechanicalArtist

3 semi-detailed HCs for IC please!!!!

TPBM gets either(choose ONE oc please!!):

- a headcanon that may not be super detailed and creative

- my genuine thoughts on their oc's design 

Solitudine lezbtron

Savapproved ill take the genuine thoughts for IC! if IC doesn't work feel free to do PAL


person below me gets 2-3 detailedish headcanons for IC ! If they have no info or little info I'll go based off looks