a single honest random thought of the oc above

Posted 9 months, 7 days ago (Edited 5 days, 20 hours ago) by apodoforcas

basically this thread but responding to ic version (yeah i kinda stole that idea)

also kinda like this one but you don’t need to post associations

basically an ultra low effort version of this thread

just post basically any singular thought that comes to mind when seeing the above oc, an assumption, an association, a general comment; i mean you could elaborate more if you want but just note this thread is meant to be low effort. ok maybe not super duper low effort like one single word unless there’s some sort of meaning to it but around a sentence ish

you can choose to make your response ooc or ic, but i would suggest making ic specific responses in quotes 


“idk cool colored hair i guesssss…” (ic)

idk cool colored hair i guess (ooc)

please message me if any issues come up in the thread so i can take care of them!

do not make comparisons of people’s characters to other existing characters from media since the majority of people think it’s rude and do not like that at all; i’ve had to make this large and bold since this has been a repeat problem nowadays

all you pretty much have to do is wait at least 3 other posts after you before going again (no limit after 24 hours have passed since the last post)

don’t be demeaning to the user or the art style or the oc (unless it's me for the ocs; feel free to roast my ocs)

have basic forum etiquette; don’t skip people; if the latest post is a “you blocked this user” or ”this user blocked you” wait until someone who you didn’t block or didn’t block you posts, and if you got sniped by one of those, just delete the post

don’t post any nsfw thoughts or stuff like that. nsfw version of this thread here. this thread is open to all ages; try not to post a mature-locked character either especially if the entirety or majority of their content is 18+. you can post if you're a mature-locked account; just be mindful because plenty of minors post in this thread too

you can respond to the same person multiple times, even the same character multiple times; just try not to respond to the same person too often and if you do please make different statements every different time you respond to the character

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

Eating your friend for being annoying is WILD and I mean that in the best way possible plus I think it works here. Also love the voice claim, I think it do fit !! 

V she talks via a voice box like most robots have, i also wouldn't recommend tapping her screen it's the same as a human poking another human's face ^^ 

Voxxy C4san0va

*taps on the tv screen again* "still wonder how you talk, cool bandana tho!" (Ic)

No words just cool of (ooc)

Al BewareOfTheMenace

Make him play Subnautica and he'll probably die of heart attack before even starting the game because water

Hickory tartintart

The bumbling inventor is such a classic trope, it's really nice to see it in OCs. ^^

V It's true, I did name him after barbeque sauce

Adem Kayhan (Fem!Adem (Aysel Kader)) parvapinna

His name immediately makes me think of barbecue. It makes me imagine him grilling the fish he catches and eating it under the shade of a tree.

Dr. Sunshine BOZOGUIST

Reminds me of the girl from howls moving castle and merry popins !!

!.Sasha Whitewater.! Missing_teeth

Bros got the salad fingers smile also I love the difference tones of yellow in their teeth

Zero MidnightFever

I just love it when a character has natural colors with an accent color that pops out

v my gosh, thank you! That's probably the nicest thing someone has said about Zero 😭 (yes they're probably the oc that I put most effort in)

Axel TheEliBlog

WHAT A LOVELY DESIGN, I can tell how much you love them. She’s such a cutie, waaaa, also deer x snow leopard is a combination I’ve never seen made into an oc and gosh do I love it! Combining the best of both worlds gaaaa.

Voxxy C4san0va

"don't bite my hand off-" *typical stereotype for bulldog looking animals* (ic)

axel looks so cool oml!! (ooc)

Bucket Fullo Bolts lezbtron

I wonder where he got his glasses from? Since they aren't prescription do they have glass in them or no? 

Gordon BewareOfTheMenace

Forum's most wholesome robot ever

Elvira GrimoireRose

I find it interesting he has a whole section of his grades in school, i cannot blame the F in french as someone who had to take it in high school 

Rain Viyniar

I love the idea of people who just run into the forest because they just don't fit in

Voxxy C4san0va

"cool jacket??" *steals the jacket* (IC)