IC version  of this game. Basically like your other rating games. Person 1 will post IC and link to songs the OC would listen to. Person 2 will post their own OC and rate on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being 'I wouldn't listen to that' and 10 being 'you have  amazing taste'). This is the IC version so rate based on your OC's opinion of the above OC's music taste.


  • Don't make fun of anyone's music taste
  • Use trigger warnings where necessary
    • You can post songs with NSFW, gore, sensitive themes just warn accordingly
    • If the thread gets stuck please edit with either a different OC or an alt playlist without the content warned songs
    • The same applies for album covers
    • Minors don't interact with lists marked with NSFW content
  • Don't post hate songs (racist, homophobic, etc.)
  • Please  add a sentence or two about why you picked the rating you did and/or  your favorite songs from the list, try not to just say something like 'I  give it 5/10'
  • Will add rules as I think of them/as they are suggested

To start you can either rate Zakka's music or have a freebie.

Chan  C3H

claiming the freebieeeee

"urmm, uhh... okay." Chan grabs her phone and shows her SoundCloud playlist, sharing the link to the person below.

"you don't... need to listen the entirety of it. it's fine if you just listened a track or two, or proceed to do all of them by listening in the span of 5 seconds. i don't really care if you think my music tastes are trash anyway." Chan's eyes beneath the visor remain calm... or at most unfazed.

NP: one of the songs in chan's playlist have a sus title AND thumbnail ._." the entirety of the song doesn't have anything sus tho. you don't need to follow my format (like using IC intros to provide the link because this is just a fun little intro in my own spin :D

Bellazhanna SapphireBatWings

Starting with a note that I actually really adore this style of music. Like Nik Nocturnal is  going in my playlist! I've been into Phonk lately. Personally I'd rate  it at an 8/10! I gave the playlist a like.

Bellazhanna grimaces as the first blasts of the guitar wail through the earbuds. The music is so loud and so aggressive. She damn near yanks the earbuds out of her ears but she doesn't want to be rude. The second song is only a little better but she was never really fond of...what is this, rap? Metal? Rap metal? She can't even name the genre. She just knows that it is far from her cup of tea. She hears this type of music enough when Eshelle plays them while working out. The Morimori Atushi song is better but still not quite her cup of tea. This Train Going Nowhere reminds her very much of the music Zakka tends to show her. It is still much too fast for her taste. Over all she'd rate Chan's taste at a 3/10 She doesn't care for it but it isn't the worst. At least the lyrics aren't completely vulgar. 

Bella's playlist

