Just like the cartoony version but this time, it's anime. It's pretty simple, just rating the user above's art if their style is anime or not.


10/10 Yes, very anime

0/10 Nope, too Western ish

You can take the freebie.


got sniped lmao
maybe like 1.5/10? Your art is way more semi-realism? Maybe the way u draw hair could be considered to have an anime touch tho!



It has a general cartoon style but I think it sometimes becomes western

(https://toyhou.se/Inked_Wing/art?page=2#79073288) this one specifically remind me of anime chibis because of the simplicity and its squishy

(https://toyhou.se/Inked_Wing/art?page=8#63357847) this one I would consider more of an anime style



First of all i LOVE YOUR ART STYLE!!!

I’d give it and 8 because the way you draw faces and eyes and bodies is pretty anime art style but your coloring isn’t very anime


2/10 i can see a little bit just because your art is really stylized but it reminds me more of like a western webcomic than anime


5/10 I think your facial features and shading technique have some anime in it. But it's not full anime style. It has toony and realistic elements in it as well. I think your style stands for itself kinda? it's def some mixture and has a unique touch to it!


Around 1 or 2/10?
It's definitely more towards the semi-realistic-toony kind of style, but a few certain drawings/details somewhat remind me of anime-like styles though.


1/10 a lot more western like!
more of your art seems to be more dark/gloomy (/pos) which I feel like isnt in a lot of anime. 


5/10 i see a good couple of influences but mostly cartoon/pos


Honestly like 0/10 pixel art doesn’t really give the anime vibes 

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1/10 i can see a tiny bit of anime but it mostly looks western to me


3.5/10 I can see the influence honestly, but I do think it's slightly leaning towards cutesy (?) then anime-esque


2.5/10. II can see a tiny bit of anime influence in your art, esply in the eyes/expression, but you overall have a pretty original art style /pos ^^


Sort of not but at the same time I can see at least some influence of anime in the art style so a 5/10


I'd say maybee a 7/10! I can see some influence mainly in the sparkliness of your artwork, the shading, the way you draw humans and sometimes the way you draw eyes, but I also get some western art vibes as well