What species is the above OC

Posted 7 months, 12 days ago (Edited 2 months, 30 days ago) by Skykristal

"What Species is the above OC?"

I sometimes find it kinda hard to identify a characters species (due to style choice, design) which gave me the idea for this game. ^^ 


- guess based on icon. You can add 1-2 images to your post for the next person showing your character fully. (Especially if your OC icon doesn't show much) Make sure no info (mentioned species) is on it.

- be specific. Ex: if someone posts a canine, don't just say 'dog' or 'canine' THATS BORING . Put Werewolf, Golden Retriever, Husky, Coyote.... One exception being humans. they're, well, humans :'D You get the idea.

- Mystical creatures are fine to post. (e.g. unicorn, skinwalker...)

- UPDATE: no private made up species, including open, closed public species, fanspecies etc. Not everyone knows about this stuff. Let's keep it fair and fun. If you post a character that IS its own thing, but is clearly based of off an existing animal or creature, they're fine to post. Please allow the answer to be what they're based of off.

- UPDATE 2: Please do not say 'is that [popular character from media]? as many people dont like this and this is NOT the thread for it. Thank you

 Atomic AtomicStarCat

Werewolf? it definitely looks like some kind of werebeast XDD

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Whitetip Lilina

My best guess would be a bat, rabbit, or a mix of both?

Nope! He's a hybrid between a bony fish and a penguin.

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 Born of a star PUPSIK

a species of crow?

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Xander Pyromander

Manta ray?

np: if you know of the species it should be pretty obvious, but let's see

V close ish, he’s a wickerbeast!

Vulcan sarurun

Dutch angel dragon?

i'unno I've fallen off when it comes to species

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 Hao nuggetmachines

Some form of avian or a raptor?

V Nope! He's (technically) a plant-based undead/zombie (he got killed by a plant thing and somehow came back to life sorta. It's weird.)