Never Have I Ever

Posted 5 months, 19 days ago (Edited 3 months, 28 days ago) by squeedIyspooch

Very similar version of this thread, except ooc + no nsfw!

  • Comment something you have never done, for example "Never have I ever gone rock climbing," and state your relation to the statement above you!
  • If you do not have any significant relation to whatever the last/most recent statement was, then just wait until someone posts one you have done, unless it's been over 8 hours.
  • If over 3 days have passed, you no longer have to apply to whatever the last statement was, you can just say you haven't done that either, [or something along the lines of that] and then keep the thread going.
  • You can respond to the previous statement however you'd like, but don't say nothing. You can say you've done that thing before or you can tell a whole story related to it! If you don't have much of a relation to the above statement but you know someone who does, you can mention that, etc. But don't just post a new statement without saying anything about the previous one.
  • No double posting/sandwiches, wait at least 3 people before posting again.
  • No nsfw! Keep this thread friendly for all ages on Toyhouse [13+]
  • This is not an IC game, please comment ooc.
  • Don't be hateful, rude, or engage in similar behaviors. Don't post statements that may cause issues or be problematic.
  • Your statements can be anything! [as long as they don't break any of the previous rules] They don't have to be art-related, although they can be if you want to.


[Person 1] Never have I ever faked being sick!

[Person 2] Oh I used to do that all the time- Never have I ever traveled to another country!

[Person 3] It's been over 6 hours, sadly I haven't gone to another country but I've done lots of traveling before! Never have I ever experienced a power outage.

-etc! Have fun!

I'll start with an OPTIONAL statement [first person can get a freebie if you want!]: Never have I ever broken a bone!

EDIT: If you do not have anything particularly mentionable to say in response to the above statement, please try to wait for one that you do. If it's been over 8 hours, you are allowed to post even if you have nothing significant to say, but try to avoid this if you can. Try to only do this if the above statement is one that would be basically impossible to find someone with a notable relation to, like "Never have I ever been struck by lightning" [It would be really hard to find someone who's been struck by lightning, or even knows someone else who was!] that way the thread can keep going. But if it's something like "Never have I ever owned a cat," then idc if it's been over 8 hours, there are a lot of people who'll have a relation to that, so just wait for someone to say something.


Ooh I've been camping before! Most notable time was at this official place, we had our tents but in the same little field there was a cabin, and while we were there we were woken up super early in the morning by a THUNDERSTORM. It was blowing our tents all around and we had to run to the cabin. My mom slept through it though and literally just stayed in the tent which amazes me XD

Never have I ever sung in front of an audience.


i don't think I've done like a solo in front of an audience but i was in choir and a musical in middle school so ive sung as a group before. might've had like one solo line in the musical i honestly don't remember too well 😭

never have i ever swam in the ocean


I have! it was fun until I got hit by a riptide and almost drowned lol

never have I ever played an instrument


i have; i played piano for 4 years when i was a child and for 5 years as part of school orchestras back then

never have i ever gotten stung by a bee


i have never been stug by a bee yet :]

never have i ever lost something that was given to me as a gift


i have done it several times. i lose everything lmao

never have i ever smoked smarties

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Never.... :(

Never have I ever lied to a sibling to scare them?


Never...(because I was the little sibling who was lied to to be scared)

Never have I ever gone skydiving?


Never and never will

Never have I ever turned in an assignment late even though there was a month to work on it


*AGGRESSIVE COUGHING* Soooo one time in like, 7th grade, we had an assignment that was like, a 110-slide-long google slides doc. We were given more like 3 or 4 months to work on it, and I still submitted it late. I only did like 16 of the slides and copied the other 90-something off of a friend's doc that she shared with me but shhhhh that didn't happen ok

Never have I ever been so tired that I fell asleep in the middle of doing a task! [I've fallen asleep watching YT before, but that's not a task that I'm doing, it's just kind of... a thing. That's there. And exists. And I'm paying attention to it.]


its more like my brain straight up refuses to learn so i lay my head down cuz head hurts and then i sleep

never have i ever had a pet bird


i USED to have a pet bird, two actually. their names were romeo and juliet :3

never have i ever ate a candy cane (or any candy that's hard)


I have multiple times, anything that ranges from those hard jolly ranchers and that, I have eaten hard candy.


Never have I ever thought that I broke some bone by I don't know, tripping over or stubbing a toe against something 


i didnt stub a toe BUT . when i was like 6 I fell off playground equipment that was only a foot off the ground ? not even . but i broke my arm lol . i fell like 9 inches face first so maybe thats how ?? idk either way i broke my arm by kind of tripping ! 


never have i ever eaten sea food