describe the above user's artstyle in one word

Posted 4 months, 28 days ago (Edited 3 months, 2 days ago) by fettuwuccine

basically the title lol

no insults. you don't need to compliment, neutral terms like "pastel" or "cartoony" are completely fine, but saying things like "bad" or "ugly" are not. depending on how serious it is you'll either get one warning or be banned from the thread. if you have a word that youre not sure would be an insult just play it safe, either pick something else or wait for a different person

rule change 12/24/2023: ive noticed it happen often so now saying the usual subject of the person's art has gone from discouraged to not allowed. Someone drawing a lot of "dogs" or "girls" isn't their art style and i don't like seeing so many people get that disappointing response. from now on I'll give one warning if you do this then block you from the thread if it happens again

no making up words for this thread it has to be a word that the person can actually know the meaning of-doesnt have to be super well known but at least something you can find in a dictionary

if you see someone break one of the above rules just skip them and @ or pm me. I'll try my best to keep up w the thread but i cant check everytime someone comments

words like "good" or "nice" won't be banned unless i feel like they're being overused, but still try to say something that defines their unique style a bit better! this is obviously a really low effort and simple game but it can still be disappointing to get such a generic word

no cool down but just be reasonable and give other people a chance, don't be every other comment

if you have something like twitter or Instagram that you'd want the next person to look through link it, otherwise your art tab will be used

Im not going to enforce this bc people can forget or not notice but just to be nice try to think of new words if you claim the same person multiple times or see other people frequently using the same word for them

First person gets a free claim!


randomslimer -used a word that wasn't allowed and deleted comment when asked to fix it


Sleek (your lineart is pretty smooth and your shapes are easy to read)


vibrant! (the use of colours u use work well together for each of ur drawings!)

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Artrades & Examples Eysouel


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Nostalgic (it gives me a nostalgic Cartoon Network cartoon vibe!)


Semi realistic (Gives vibes of those cartoons where the humans are cartoony but also look real) 

(For me: If someone says sharp I will go ballistic) 


Saturated (Like holy damn a decent amount of your artwork has pretty bright, vibrant colors; definitely eye catching)



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