Making a new one becuase a switched accounts :>!

i Didnt expect it to do so well so I'm moving it here :]! I'm just gonna copy and paste the last thread lol

New[ old ] game! inspired by the Make an assumption about the user above thread ! so go chack that out ^^ 

this can be as minimal or detailed as you like! this is really meant as a pass time game when your bored af and want to do something simple

no rules besides wait 2 posts before you post again [ no sandwiches in this thread >:p ]

have fun lmao


Folk music (specifically faster paced?), collecting old photos, and less colourful pallets?


Idk you probably like Hamilton 😳


Mozzarella cheese?

Or maybe mystery genre


cursed images, deepfried images, memes, being chaotic. oh and also stealing livers apparently!!

v all accurate minus the games w/ gacha mechanics part 😭


Manga, games with gacha mechanics, and anime merchandise? 


Might seem crazy, but splatoon! Finn bottom my beloved.. You probably like other nintendo games as well and really like obscure characters in media


v I do like the beach and old gaming systems!


Game Boy, lime green, surf punk, the beach, ukuleles, and Hawaii

V well do you have a broken humor too???


Guessing you like memes that most people will look at, laugh at, then say "my humor is so broken fr"


Hmm, I think you like one eye'd little guy characters, think wheatley. I also think you might like scifi ..


I don't know a lot about Transformers but your Icon and @ tell me ur probably a transformers fan (and maybe a robot fan in general)


Dang, I feel like I've seen your pfp from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it. 

I feel like you enjoy graphic novels and comics? Like the ones with more varying styles as opposed to traditional ones. Maybe also the study of languages, and doodling shapes? 


historical fan ! and out on a limb here documentaries? either way probably own a couple of historical ocs


i thought ur were regretevator fan or perhaps roblox player lol


South park! As your icon style reminds me of it or that guy who animated the cup guy climbing on a building

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