t looking at their profile

This very simple game is about memory and fame. To play, just try to name as many of the above user’s characters as you can from memory, without looking at their profile or previous forum posts. 

Optionally, you can count how many you were able to remember. Then go to the above user’s stats and see how well you did!

This user is not visible to guests.

Okay, so I remember Reverb, Turntable, 32155(doubt I got the numbers correct, but it’s something like that) and I think there’s one named after your user?


Mm I think I’ve seen Aries or Leo or a character named after a zodiac? I don’t really know 

v Yep! (and yes, Solei is her name :] )


I know you have one named Skittles!! I also wanna say maybe there was one named Solei or something similar? I remember for sure they're both cats


I know Henry and Hannibal! There's another that's on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite remember, starts with A, I think... (Edit: I peeked, it was Ashley)


i remember hannibal & henry griswold


fang eden aura joshua 👍