1, 2, Booh! ( OC Game)

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by Flower Snowpuff

Just a game ,-,

The name is 1, 2, Booh!

Is simple:

The OC's will start counting to 3. But when you give a multiple of 3, the character have to say "Booh!" and say what he/she's afraid of. If the person misses/say wrong the "Booh!", The game starts from scratch.

person 1: 1
Person 2: 2
Person 3: Booh! I'm afraid of spiders.

Example 2:
Person 1: 1
Person 2: 2
Person 3: 3 (wrong)
Person 4: (insert name of who was wrong here) Wrong! 1.

Is simple, I know ,-, 

Person number 30, 60 and 90 earn a random character that I will do. (If it reaches 90, the game restarts.)

Is a game for OC's. In other words, comment junt in IC.

Wait 3 persons say the numbers for comment again, pls.

Amelia Dietmar denishdraws

boo....uh...hmmm...I am afraid of losing my family again...

Chase Baldwin parvapinna


Xilene Pelletier angeliic_gestalt


Double Blade Awake_Ache

"Boo! Some would think my worst fear is I security, but Im actually really afraid of clowns. All that make up and for what purpose?"

Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt


CHAIZZ🧟‍♂️ ChanSimping

17 :P

Camille Morgan CometTheMountainLion

Booh! I’m afraid of my water cooler breaking!

Martha Washington Nicleotidez


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Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt

“boo..!! i’m scared of ending up like my older sister... and the ocean. that too…”

Skye Doppler CometTheMountainLion


Boróka miniminaaa


Mint Awake_Ache

Boo! I fwear a woold where nowon would let me lick :(

Fauna Dearlily Cupcake_Princess


Xilene Pelletier angeliic_gestalt