What Would Piss Off the OC Above?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Orca

We all have our breaking point, and OCs are no exception. (At least they shouldn't be, because that's usually a sign of poor writing.)

How this works: Figure out what would make the OC above upset. Post IC with your participating character.


  • Your character's bio doesn't need an outright Dislikes section (though that's awesome for sure), but it should have enough information that one can infer what would make them mad. This kind of bio won't cut it here.
  • You could get creative by incorporating multiple pet peeves. Say the character above despises rain and being late for work. You could respond with "running late for work due to a rain-induced traffic jam." (Obviously, if you use this one, it's no longer creative. It's lazy.)
  • The goal here is to make characters mad, not users. Your answer should not be hurtful or offensive to real people. It should definitely be suitable for minors.


Person A (the OP): Let's start this off with Character A!

Person B (IC as Character B): (Character A has always feared snakes) Bringing a snake into his apartment.

Person C (IC as Character C): (Character B can't stand losing in video games) Finding a video game you're good at and beating her every. Single. Time.

Person D (IC as Character D): (Character C distanced himself from his mother) Inviting his mother to his next party.

So let's really start this off with Bozard!

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Tarus ArtisticTiger

Someone making one too many comments about him.

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Tom Pimn

rosarioxart I think Zain likes to think of himself as a loving and generous person, which to his credit he is, but because of this he gets incredibly pissed whenever anyone points out his more sadistic side because he doesn't want to recognize that part of himself.

Remus Scott Doughnaughty

I feel that Tom would be pissed off when people mock or verbally harass him in order start a fight. He doesn't like starting fights and hates being brought to everyone's attention so I think that would piss him off. 

Jasper ArtisticTiger

When people hate on skateboarding 

Bacter the stomach bug DominatorCombinator

Fake, cartoonish blood like in MS paint


This stomach bug wants to be a good bug, but is too large for his size

Leviathan Lattskull

I think they might be pissed off if a hellsing/vampire hunter appeared 👀 GOT NINJA'D WHEEEEEEEEZE

feel like anti bacteria medicine would make them really angry :)

Toyvi Culthro robot-star

mearly thinking of his dead lover in his presence 

 Sanjay socksock

nicknames, i feel like he finds them disrespectful and childish


i could see him getting indescribably pissed if someone doubts his leadership, or looks down on him/believes him to be dumb - especially if the ones who are making those judgements are the people who he sees lower than himself

Folklore Pinesford Orisquirrelking

Im thinking people who are untrustworthy and childish, as well as mentions of doctors and surgical equipment.

honestly,,, yeah BEWCHFFXZ

Cheydonna SapphireBatWings

Lowkey think that he would be one of those 'kids these days have it easy' types and would get mad at what he sees as laziness.