💬Comment on the above OC!

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by Cryss

Commenting is one of my favourite aspects on most sites like TH since it permanently attaches nice words to your character where, unlike something said in a forum game, other people can browse these words attached to the character as well and it's easier for you to browse everything people said about your characters. I'm a bit saddened by the fact that commenting is pretty much dead on this site, so why not create a game to encourage it? This game might be a big combo of multiple already existing games, which hopefully gives it some freedom! 

This game will be moderated and checked every day on my main ElithianFox, please send a PM on there if you have any inquiries! <:

How to play

  1. Most importantly, make sure your character comments are on and you get notifs! They are off by default, so be sure to double check in your settings if they are on. The settings are right below your profile text!
  2. Post a comment in the thread to claim the above person. Make sure to also post IC as a character you want a comment on, and to state which nature of comments you are okay with getting.
  3. Go to the person's character, read their info, look at their pictures. If they didn't post IC, look at their gallery and find a character you have something to comment about.
  4. Go to the comment section of the character and write something thoughtful! 
  5. Edit your claim with a link to your comment so that other people can read it too ;v;

Rules and guidelines

▶︎ The nature of comment you write can be anything, but it must be positive in some way. Or at least constructive without being mean. Some examples of comments you can write: 

• Compliments
• Constructive critiques <Only when stated this is okay>
• General thoughts about the OC
• Things you like about them
• What drew you to that OC
• What you'd like to see happen to the OC in the future
• Questions about or for them
• Suggestions on how to further develop them
• A collection of thoughts related to the character that spans over multiple topics
• Etc. 

▶︎ Quality over quantity! Still your comment has to be at least a couple of sentences long with no limit on maximum length. "Cool" and "Nice character" comments are empty and not so pleasant to receive, so please explain what you like about the character, why you think they are cool, what your thoughts are on the characters, etc.

▶︎ While not required, it is advised to try and read (or skim over) the profile info as well. Getting comments on the design alone is one thing, but getting a comment on the profile's contents is such a rare blessing.

▶︎ Intentionally mean (ie "You're an ugly one, aren't cha?"), passive aggressive (ie "I guess I like this about them?"), or dismissive (ie "Hard to believe your creator spent any time on you") comments are instantly met with a strike, or in the worst case a ban from the game.

▶︎ You can post IC as an OC to be commented on, or not post IC. In the latter case, people can choose which OC they wanna comment on!

▶︎ Only critique people's OC in your comment when they explicitly state they accept it. If you accept criticism, please do state so when you claim!

▶︎ In the same vein, please also only post IC comments on the person's OC if they accept them, since not everyone knows how to respond to an in-character interaction.

▶︎ Please make an effort to respond to the comment you receive. Even if it doesn't say what you expected, a simple "Thank you!" should be the minimum of a response. You don't have to have or continue a conversation, but can aim for one regardless!

New ✨ ▶︎ The claiming limit has changed. You can now post twice per page, or once every 24 hours, whichever takes longer. However, if the thread is stuck for over three days, this rule is voided.

New ✨▶︎ If you are a frequent IC poster, please stray from always posting the same character to be commented on! That way there's a much larger chance you will be claimed compared to always posting the same character ;v;

This thread operates under a three strikes system. Writing very low effort comments, passive aggressive comments, or comments that simply aren't nice to receive will get you a strike and a PM warning, and three gets you blacklisted.

Blacklisted users
@Dicky-McDickface - Failed to comment after being reminded by PM

Happy commenting!

Calista ArtisticTiger


For her ic or OOC is ok! 

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Lux Feinny

Claim ! Please no IC : )


Njord Gorky ZeroZeroSenpai


Ic please



Claim! Comment here!

NP: anyone here please!

Prince Atlas Yamroll

claim! ic pls :]


₊˚✧ | 💖 CREAMPUFF jsims

done wahoohell o

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here you go!

NP: characters from this folder preferred, but feel free to check around my other ocs for anyone that catches your fancy. IC and OOC both accepted.


booom doneeee c:

Next Person: How about Wredil, would love if you check his human version as well x)
Orrrr you could comment on Romin instead (OOC only)

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LOVE ♡ SOLDIER Appleonatree



Rarhiko Pomegranarchy

here you go!

both ic and ooc welcomed!