Would You Steal the Character Above?

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 months ago) by Orca

Yes, I made a variation of a thread that was already a variation of my own thread. What a twist!

This works exactly like the other two, except with characters. Post IC with your participating character, but respond OOC. No characters kidnapping others here.


  • Wait until three other people have posted before you post again, unless it's been 24 hours. In that case, only one other person must have posted.
  • Provide a full reason as to why you would or would not steal the character. A simple "Yeah, I'd steal" or "Nah, I'll pass" won't cut it.

Because I never post IC as the OP, let's start this off with a dragon dude. Would you steal?

Charlee amberzard

I mean... she's so cute. I really resonate with their whole vibe. ...Maybe just for a day.     

 🍮 | Purin the Second gutsfuck

i will be using you as anthro reference, thank you very much :)

Zero MothWingedMyths

Maybe? He's cute and could fit my universe but i'm not really a sanrio person

Konnie Barthélémy Cadieux lobotomist

oh most likely ! i love robot/robot-esc designs and i need more of those types of designs in my roster of ocs... that actually gives me a few ideas 

 ayana drasc

this makes me realize what IC/OOC meant LOL

as for the OC.... love indigenous rep [i'm indigenous too :)] .. teal + orange best combo, also fit is drip....... STEAL! PILFER! RANSACK! 

Starling lezbtron

honestly yes id make her a transformers (human) oc, i think she's got a neat look to her !

Valerie MothWingedMyths

YESSSS he's adorable and i love his colors so much

[ Cecile 🌟] MechanicalArtist

As much as I love their personality & their looks, I don't see myself using them much, so they're safe with you! They're really neat though :]

Abyss AvaTheAxolotl

I love her design but I’m not a big fan of humanoids so she’d safe

Akiro Spottednwn

They're cute and I like characters like that! But, i'm not sure if I'd use them very often, so maybe! 

mie rakuneko

natural-looking feral cats aren't really my thing, so he's safe with you! ^_^

Aura Pastafang

Absolutely would steal! The design and story are definitely right up my alley

Vandis TheEliBlog

Pretty but not up my alley in terms of what I’m seeking, but oh my gosh I love the palette


I LOVE sparkledogs but I'd probably pass, I'd have nothing to do with their design in terms of ongoing stories/universes. Love their vibes tho :0 /gen

 Venti Bat Moss_Glow

100% would steal. I have such a soft spot for canine characters(especially mutts!), and the color palette man, is spectacular!