Just as the title says! Give a rating out of ten to both the name and avatar of the person above!

Only rule is don’t be rude! And be sure to label your rating for the name and the icon separately, and your opinion on one shouldn’t affect the other.

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Username: 10/10 Sounds like a psychedelic metal band

Icon: Dunno who he is but love the funky background so 8/10

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user: i quite like it, dunno why specificcally but i do 7/10

pfp: very cute... so smiley :D 9/10


pfp: scary n unsettling, awesome 8/10

user: i dig the riddler themed everything LOL 8/10


Pfp: 10/10 I love animated pfps anywhere especially the character in it looks very silly!!
user: simple I like it 7/10

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PFP: Ah yes, the bluegrass rednecks that always as your PFP so 10/10

Username: 10/10 because I was once a train junkie too.


pfp: 8/10 an incredible twist on a classic

username: 9/10 big fan

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pfp: 100/10 BRUH THAT ARTWORK IS SO COOL, I like the art style so much!

username: 8/10, dunno its origin or meaning, but it still sounds cool!^^


pfp: 10/10! that possum lookin cute.

username: 10/10 too! for some reason it fits with the pfp XD

[was sniped so I did 2 lol]


PFP: Ah yes the victim of the blue eye meme Zenith 10/10

Username: I had no idea what it means but it sounds cool I guess so 7/10


PFP: A classic so it'd be a crime to give it below a 9/10.

Username: Gets to the point. Easy to understand. Now run because The Menace Is Coming. 10/10


Pfp 10/10, can't go wrong with sketches

Username 7/10, nice