4 Word Story

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by valentine_

4 Word Story is a very fun and simple game used on a lot of forums. How you play is:

I will start the story off with 4 words. The person who comments next will continue where the other person's part left off, only continuing with 4 words. You cannot go under or over 4 words. You must make your text coherent with the person above's text. You can not go multiple times and a row, and must wait for someone else to type.

Here's an example: 

Commenter 1: Once upon a time, 

Commenter 2: Jimmy jumped over the

 Commenter 3: Guy who insulted his 

Commenter 4: Nose. But then he 

And so forth. 


If you wish to talk out of the story, please put your messages in brackets or parentheses. For example:

and the cow jumped (Lol, that one was funny!)

Have fun everyone!

Now for the story to begin.


backpack. He then walked


Straight towards the massive