✩*˚Six pages of characters UFT/UFS˚*✩

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by SilverPandorica

All the characters I have ufo are in this folder!

  • Mostly seeking USD, art, or character trades.
  •  Feel free to either comment below or message me if any
    interest you :) If you comment on the character's page, though,
    I might not see it! TH doesn't notify me of that for some reason. 
  •  I have feral, humanoid, and anthro characters for trade/sale!
  • Several characters have extra art, and I will be more picky with them!
  • Please don't offer on characters outside of that folder!
Some highlighted characters in the folder! (Click to see their pages)






anyone in my th for them? sonas and most mains are off limits!


sickmutt I didn't see anyone, I'm sorry!


SilverPandorica thanks for considering! I hope you have a good day/night


Alivi Hello! This character caught my eye for sure. Would you consider a trade for them? :3


Oh wow! https://toyhou.se/201266.nichol Kat was an old friend of mine so I’d love to work out a trade or price for him! Here are my chars, please let me know if you see anyone: https://toyhou.se/Pellinor/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:NFTS Else lemme know if you have a rough price in mind


Pellinor Hi! Vaughn definitely caught my eye, very cool tentacle man. I like Ellie as well! 


SilverPandorica I could definitely part w Ellie if you’re okay w adding one more char? Here’s a few I enjoy: https://toyhou.se/8308407.mina https://toyhou.se/7178985.tbn https://toyhou.se/8737807.chroma If not all good, I’ll just have to toss it over


Hi, I really like https://toyhou.se/8737807.chroma! Could i interest you in art for em? Heres some examples (th) (insta


Pellinor Any chance you could part with Vaughn if I add one or two of those characters? I definitely like Ellie, but would prefer to work something out for Vaughn if there's any possibility ^^


heya! I was interested in these two:

https://toyhou.se/8032611.tbn https://toyhou.se/7304804.for-sale-10-usd

how much would it be for both of them? (I can only pay thru PayPal)


SilverPandorica I really wanna say yes but I think I’d regret trading him for any combo of chars I can think of in your ufo folder.


Pellinor No worries! Totally understandable <3 I can definitely do Nichol and https://toyhou.se/7178985.tbn for Ellie then, if that's okay?

Hiddenfolk Absolutely! I love how you draw humans aaa. What would you be offering?

DoomCogs Hmmm would you consider $10USD total for both of them?