✩*˚Six pages of characters UFT/UFS˚*✩

Posted 2 years, 9 months ago (Edited 2 years, 3 months ago) by SilverPandorica

All the characters I have ufo are in this folder!

  • Mostly seeking USD, art, or character trades.
  •  Feel free to either comment below or message me if any
    interest you :) If you comment on the character's page, though,
    I might not see it! TH doesn't notify me of that for some reason. 
  •  I have feral, humanoid, and anthro characters for trade/sale!
  • Several characters have extra art, and I will be more picky with them!
  • Please don't offer on characters outside of that folder!
Some highlighted characters in the folder! (Click to see their pages)






StarSpangled Hello! This guy caught my eye! I'd be willing to trade them for him? c:



This character caught my attention! My main offer is art(I can send more examples through DM if you want) but if anyone catches your attention from my trade folder feel free to speak out! Also I *might* let offers from this folder since I really like this design! Its not a gurantee though since some oc aren't up for trade! Thanks for the chance! 


Im interested in a few;
I can offer my whole TH, as im having a purge! I can also offer traditional art or writing. 


banana-bruises Hello! The only characters that really caught my eye were Aster and Daryl. Would you be willing to trade either of them? c:

Moonscape Hiya! I didn't see anyone I'd take for the dragon, but I'd be willing to trade the first character for this guy?


i could def offer art for this guy!! https://toyhou.se/10612151.tbn

examples here !!


Aishibee Ooh I adore your style!! What would you be offering specifically? 


Hello!! Does anyone here interest you for Feron? :Oc I'd be willing to trade multiples too!!


This one's adorable! https://toyhou.se/8231153.tbn

I'm willing to do a shaded fullbody for em, and can do 2 lineless icons (the ones my ocs have as profiles)


SilverPandorica aa thanks!! i could totally do a fullbody or a headshot + a halfbody!! your choice <33


Aishibee I'd love a fullbody of this guy if that's okay (please ignore my doodle in the bottom corner lol)! I've gone ahead and put the character on hold for you ^^ If you can't draw them, just lmk and I can pick a different character <3

I'll reply to everyone else tomorrow! It is super late and I have somewhere to be in the morning ^^'


SilverPandorica oooh theyre so pretty!! is there any certain pose or expression you'd like?? 


Thanks for the offer, but i'll decline 


Mannequin Hello! These two caught my eye :3

KRIMZONEX Hi! I can do that c: What kinda stuff can you draw? I have all types of characters, but I don't wanna give you like, a human or something if you're more comfortable with drawing anthros, for example ^^

Aishibee Thankee! Hmm not really? I'm not too sure on their character yet, so you can draw them with whatever vibe you're getting from them :3


Awesome!! I'd be willing to trade them both to you in return for Feron!! Should I send the transfers? :oc