Warning on an art thief (many accounts) SOLVED!!

Posted 3 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by madmokka

Hello there, I know you may be skeptical on who this may be but recently I found a user who uses many accounts to steal art on a different site called Scratch. They are currently guilt-tripping and evading every account which knows about the art theft and I wanted to let you all know and be aware of this user, especially as they are selling characters and giving characters out for free by taking characters from deviantArt and Toyhouse and claiming it as hers. If you are worried about your character being stolen, I would suggest you keep reading on.

Accounts they use: AngleStarLight AngleStarDevilWing EyeOfTheMoon If you have met them before, they usually go by the name Emily or Diana (who she claims is her 'Best Friend')

I have linked evidence here: https://toyhou.se/8637720.evidence with images which show people finding evidence of original artists and also evidence that she is also using offsite character makes to 'claim' as her art such as picrew.me

EDIT: The images where she claims the art is hers are: https://toyhou.se/8637720.evidence#27730483 where I asked @dogantlers about the art which was found to have been stolen by anglestardevilwing https://toyhou.se/8637720.evidence#27730503

In addition to that you can find her stealing art from https://toyhou.se/8637720.evidence#27730377 and posting it on her account claiming she made the art 'last week' on https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/440418717/

The original was made 3 years ago on https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/164175194/

Furthermore, you can see that she managed to bribe someone by guilt-tripping them and making them feel bad for something they did correctly here: https://toyhou.se/~images/27730611 Some stolen art has been taken down, but there are still a lot which need looking at/removing. Edit: https://www.deviantart.com/idiosyncraticaiiy/gallery/all has art which was also taken without permission as an icon and as an 'art dump'

EDIT: One example I showed where AngleStarLight was stealing mini icons was changed and it now says that she didn't make it, but she says people can steal have the icons which is frustrating/contradicts her 'not stealing' part

EDIT: Thank you everyone for helping out solve this mystery. All the accounts which they currently own have been deleted and hopefully they do not come back again. 


The evidence you have linked, the three images, aren't much to go on. If you could get links for the images she's claiming to draw, and links to where the original images are, that would help.


I had a look on the scratch accounts linked and most of the drawings using dollmakers at least say in the description that she's used one so if you have evidence she's passing them off as her own then I'd be interested in seeing that.


Bronze_Coffee I will provide more evidence soon, I contacted Scratch Team and they removed around 5 of her projects already so when I upload the email they responded with about removing the stolen projects I will be able to show proof. BandanaPirate perhaps you could check out the project where you see lots of small icons? I posted a comment there and whilst I prepare my evidence that's something you could see as I posted the evidence that there is an original project before hers. I understand she may have credited but it took us a long time to convince her too before she decided to credit. Some have not been credited yet, like on of the images I have already posted.


BandanaPirate Bronze_Coffee apologies for the delay! Sorry about that I just posted some more information.


If you have evidence of them selling stolen art (like you claim they have), that should probably be added to the post too. Without that, it just seems like some 12 year old kid trying to get some validation on the internet.

I want to clarify that I do not support art theft, but the PSA is lacking in evidence right now. You should probably add links to original art and the stolen versions like Bronze Coffee suggested (other than the small icon example you already have), along with any stolen characters they're selling!

Oh and Olemaun appears to be AngleStarLight's old/alt account. The only thing on it is an icon they supposedly did for someone and an 'art dump', both appear to be in the same art style.


BandanaPirate I think they are also stealing art with that account, or that account is somehow related to their current account. The semi-popular reason is because their classmates are following them which is typical when there are student accounts being made by a teacher. I don't have many links left (mostly because their projects got removed by Scratch after I requested). The characters they are selling wouldn't be much help, especially when I haven't found the original artist yet, but i'm certain i've seen them elsewhere before. These are adopts which they took https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/440370632/ but some have been 'sold' on her other account https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/424101789/


edgar hope you don't mind being pinged but thank you for confirming my suspicions that it wasn't their art and getting the link to the original artist!

I don't think this person is doing this maliciously, they seem to be a kid who doesn't know any better? And it doesn't appear like they've made any money off this (thankfully). I don't have a scratch account but would it be worth someone sending them a polite message/comment explaining why this is unacceptable behaviour? It also might be a good idea to let the artist that @edgar linked know that their art is being uploaded somewhere else.


BandanaPirate I've tried countless amount of times warning them, but they keep deleting my comments and even after Scratch asked them to stop they just kept making new accounts to evade the warnings. I know they may not be doing this maliciously but I learnt not to steal at the age of maybe 5? Anyways thanks for the help, I really appreciate it <3


wOW I never thought I'd see Scratch drama on here lmao, there's been so much issue with stolen art on Scratch it's not even funny, I've been on that site for 12 years and the team doesn't do jack about it.
But beside that, the person in question is 12 and probably thinks they're above everyone else, so this is a kid. She's young enough to not make money off of this at least  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Still scummy of her to steal art tho.


TheImposter SewerRatLord Dakkokki , She claims to have DA. I have many friends the same age as me and younger (around 11-12) who are the same age as her with Instagram, Tiktok, Devinatart, Tumblr, Pinterest or Discord and I have none of those except Scratch and Toyhouse. 99 percent of them don't know Toyhou.se but know Deviantart. However, although she could be 'young' she has, unfortunately, started saying that i'm a liar and that she is the person on DA and uploaded art to Scratch. Guess what? I got evidence from dogantlers that she was stealing art. Anyways they're starting to guilt trip now, will post links soon.


^^ adding on to that, they are basically impersonating @dogantlers on Deviantart by trying to sell the adopts for free and by attempting to gain things from it. Stealing is already enough, but impersonation. That is a big deal.

EDIT: The reason why she is impersonating (to make it clearer) is because she claims to be the person on DeviantArt and says she 'falsified her age' to join. She also claims to be Dogantlers, therefore impersonating as she said that she is selling the adopts when they have already been sold by the real dogantlers.