PSA: beware - Fursonalimbo

Posted 3 years, 28 days ago (Edited 2 years, 9 months ago) by TakoTruck

Name: Fursonalimbo/ Miranda Gray-knoll 

Where: Facebook / toyhouse 

What: Harrasment and removing credit for my work 

On January 5th 2021, me and Miranda did an oc trade, which went fine at the time. I had the oc in my $20-40 toyhouse folder to show worth, which they took as me reselling as I didn’t remove the original bio they had made for the oc. After arguing I decided to just sell the oc back. This came with extra base fills I had made, but I got told since it was my art it was worth the same, so I sold it back to Fursonalimbo for $25. 

On april 3rd, 2021, I had looked at the oc in their toyhouse and saw that the credit for my art had been removed.

 As of April 6th, 2021, they have deleted / privated the oc and ignored my many comments / messages. They are now ignoring me and refusing to credit my work.
Links show their toyhouse, the original link to the oc which has been privated, the facebook account used to contact me, and the link to images of proof 

UPDATE 8/5/2021, credit for my base fills has been given. This has however taken since January (7 months ago), this part of the beware still stands as it took months of asking and others asking for my credit to be given.



Pretty sure this is also a spare Facebook account but could be wrong