PSA: TheCakeIsALie/MoltedBug | (Scam/Theft)

Posted 8 months, 28 days ago (Edited 3 months, 17 days ago) by Kyovella

Before anything, not harass the person this post about, this is strictly to spread awareness. This is a post on behalf of DemiiiPinkFox on Twitter, and here is a link to the original thread. With Twitter's update, you cannot view it unless you have an account yourself so I will be reiterating what in the post in this thread.

User MoltedBug (changed username to TheCakeIsALie on Toyhouse, still MoltedBug on Twitter) commissioned my friend, Demi, on Twitter for a custom adoptable on November 2nd. The original price for the custom was $35 USD, but MoltedBug (we will refer to them as Roxy), haggled to get it down to $25. Note this as it's important later. Demi did this out of the goodness of her heart as Roxy seemed to be having a financial situation.

GA6tndnXAAAuysq?format=jpgDemi kept working on the custom as Roxy kept making excuses on why they couldn't pay, trying to be understanding of Roxy's situation Demi continued to work on it even without being payment. Roxy promised to pay when they were able to.



On December 1st Demi was notified by Roxy's friend about a character they had submitted that was up for sale. Remember beforehand where Roxy had haggled the price down from $35 to $25? Roxy had uploaded the unpaid custom to Toyhouse looking to sell it for $35, yet they hadn't even paid the $25 they owed to Demi for the custom at this point. They had planned to profit off of Demi's art, and Demi would not have known about this at all if it weren't for Roxy's friend noticing something was off and contacting Demi. (The friend is no longer friends with Roxy after this incident.)


This was Roxy's response. Demi herself is unconvinced by this response, with good reasoning. 1. Roxy hadn't paid for the custom yet, so why would they even upload it to Toyhouse in the first place. It is not yet their property if they haven't paid for it. Below Roxy says they were supposed to "put that on a different character"- but the name "$35 paypal" seemed to have been put on when the character was submitted which makes it more likely it was intentional (along with the fact it has an image uploaded in it's gallery, surely they would have realised they're putting a character they hadn't paid for up for sale as there are these steps they went through to finalise the submission of the character to Toyhouse). How do you upload a Toyhouse character accidentally?


2. Roxy's communication was poor, and after being confronted about the Toyhouse upload they went dead silent. This will be elaborated more below. 3. This was done on Toyhouse, a platform Demi is not active on creating a situation where theft of this custom would be very easy- Demi would not even know it happened.

These are the last few screenshots of Demi and Roxy's direct messages where still Demi is trying to receive payment for the custom, Demi has never been paid and Roxy had over a month to do so.




So where are we now? After being confronted, Roxy deleted the stolen/unpaid custom from their Toyhouse. They unfollowed Demi (after being caught/attracting too much suspicion) and posted this. Demi went on the sell the custom to someone else.


We can see here MoltedBug is TheCakeIsALie on Toyhouse from their near-identical posts.


The "friend" also mentioned that Roxy has a pattern of doing this with other artists, please be wary of them and perhaps check their account to see if you notice if any of their other characters are stolen.

EDIT December 11th - There is a past forum post on them right here, using their old usernames. They have a history of shady behaviour, please beware!

EDIT December 28th - Information has come out pointing to this account (MossAndFriends) being their alt. This information was given to me through someone they had contact with on Discord. The account has a lot of characters that were transferred from the current “TheCakeIsALie” account. They also have a lot of transfers with another account (LilithsArtDomain) which is also believed to be an alt (it has similarities with their old username “WorrisomeLily”.

EDIT May 21st - They have other accounts, XOXO_Gloomy, XravenscovenX and cherrislush. The cherrislush account has been closed.


memorette thank you for sharing your experience, it also struck Demi as odd that they claimed they were in trouble financially (to the point of needing to haggle) but spending money on a custom. I see that they offered on your character and ghosted you within the past month at the same time while they were ghosting/not paying Demi. I've just noticed what's even stranger is this that they posted a month ago around the same time where they say they needed money for a hotel and food..

It's really suspicious. Being sick, being in hospital, needing money for a hotel and food.. but buying original characters? I'm more inclined to believe they've scammed before and then use that money to fuel spending it on more characters. Though, I really hope that's not true.


Zelgius thank you!


Ohhh man this person owes me a pair of headphones for about $85 worth of art.


Orisquirrelking you made a deal with them where you drew them art for a pair of headphones? 




Pretty sure they’re going by MossAndFriends 


It’s come to my attention as the new host of my system that these might have been me? If anyone has anymore information about these can you please dm me? I have no information on anything. 

im a system, i have did. Some of these were made by past alters and hosts, and it’s not something i can easily control. I am currently getting help for it and i’m not sure what to say. Those hosts/alters have sense disappeared but yeah. i don’t condone what they did but I take full responsibility

I am not trying to guilt trip I promise I’m trying to understand what happened with my old alters


MossAndFriends if you believe the accounts are linked to old alters/hosts then that means you might be able to get into them still.

If you can't remember the password, then attempt to reset it and it should send it to any email addresses you have connected to your computer. Even if you don't remember making the email addresses. I'm assuming you use gmail, so they should all be there either on your main device or on your alters main device. Say they prefer using a phone and you use a desktop. Something like that.

All info should be throughout the profiles that are linked to you/your system. It will just take some digging. Like in the messages or on character profiles that could be associated with the scam.

Quick edit: Do you mind giving us a nickname or sign off so we know who we are talking to currently?  Even if you don't know it rn since you said you are new, just pick any. I just wanna make sure everything is clear.


BloodMarket As of now I will be putting a “Clem” at the end of my notes, I will go through emails and chats to see what I find. I’m trying to find everyone we owe and fix some things - Clem


MossAndFriends Thank you, Clem! Let us know if you are able to get into any of the possible alt accounts   


Adding onto this so nobody else gets scammed.

  • I dated clem for quite a while, they were aware of their past usernames and alters actions.
  • their new username is ImTheJinx. I have proof to back this up- that is their discord-linked twitch username
  • They outright lied about being associated with them to evade my blacklist and get a custom from me. 


Thank you Doggai. I hope this unhealthy pattern of behaviour doesn't continue..