angelsimp- pedo, horrible business, harrassement

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago (Edited 7 days, 19 hours ago) by ANGELSIMPONIONRATPSA

Could not just put more in the title. David (aka angelsimp, onionrat, banban_kinnie, candy_cockatoo, mothsmoothie and MANY MANY MANY more) is a horrible artist. He never finishes art on time until the deadline is set in stone. Same goes for art trades or art payments for OC (but he does finish art for OCs from favorite designers however..). Most importantly, hes a pedophile that loves stalking and harrassing his old friends. 

This document was made by me, but all proof was provided from public servers, old friends, people he got comissioned by, and most importantly the victim of grooming.

If you have any negative experiences with him, please DO LET ME KNOW. You can either comment here, in my DMs, or if necessary I can also provide offsite accounts or an email. I can not see messages from maturity locked accounts, sorry! :(

TOYHOUSE ACCOUNTS: - angelsimp - OnionRat (as of 21/04/2024 LOCKED) - NightmareGrimm (as of 01/05/2024 LOCKED) - starry-catfish (CLOSED LONG AGO)


I understand why  you made this but why is him having a piss kink, not following up on trades and being moderately annoying about adopts put above him being a pedophile. i dont even think half the stuff in creep behavior should be in there, all it does is water down the more serious claims and make it look less like an actual attempt at justice look more like you just trying to find reasons to validate why you dislike a user (not saying you are, but it can and will create that impression)


UFOSightings I have put the pedophile proof at the end, so people would not get triggered by it instantly when looking at it. I do understand that it may feel like what you described cause of it. But I was unsure if putting it at the page I put triggers on is right.

Ive put the piss kink there cause It's something that have been done around minors. Just so people who happen to also experienced similiar situations know Its not one-off and nobody should do that. The adopt part is also really important, as he is known for not finishing art payments. Most of people that did not get art back for OCs were his friends, and he did not prioritize it, or anyone with adopts from their favorite creators.


okay theres a couple things I want to address here.

1) there are better ways to prevent people from being triggered than to put a ton of petty nonsense in front of the actually important claims, for example, you couldve just dedicated the first page to simply discussing triggers and  putting up disclaimers, before going into the pedophilia allegations. and even if someone who was potentially triggered by wanted to see the parts of the doc about his poor behavior when it came to commisions, google docs lets you skip to the next headed section incredibly easily.

2) im sorry, i did not fully understand the purpose of bringing up the urine kink, that is entirely my fault, but I do feel like lumping it into a section full of petty complaints instead of placing it as a subsection in the part about his pedophillia is an incredibly poor choice

3) I understand that his behavior surrounding adoptables is, for lack of a better word, thematically appropriate, but it doesnt stop it from being unimaginably petty and at worst, just kind of rude behavior on their end.

Also, i have a couple additional complaints about your section on them supposedly suicide baiting, please correct me if im missing something, but theres pretty much no evidence of him faking it, at least in that given section. Claiming that any suicide attempt that is either failed or backed out of shouldnt be taken as manipulative is an incredibly dangerous message to spread about suicidal people. (do not take this as me trying to be sympathetic to angelsimp, I do not doubt the authenticity of the claims in this doc, I am just saying that the larger implications of this section are very much harmful)

and for a couple pettier ones, I do think that you calling one of his characters "problematic" just for being a child of incest is kind of reductive, Im probably missing something, at least based on how he has talked about "lolis" and actual minors but the mere act of having a plot point surrounding incest isnt enough to consititue something being problematic (also, why are the adopables and trade stuff in the creep bahavior section when you have a part dedicated to talking about all the ways they suck to work with when it comes to comissions)

again, if im missing anything, please tell me, I have yet to go through the doc in full (its the length of an entire book) so if im missing anything, please tell me


@UFOSightings thank you for the advice. I currently do not have time to do so, but I will edit the document as fast as possible. I really appreciate the constructive feedback.


DakoDraggo feel free to do so; I think you may have more luck submitting other claims in the document, as I do not think authorities will care about triggers that much. Use as much info as you'd like to.


Did not check the links since commenting last time. NightmareGrimm have been closed.

Seems like David wants to run away with all of it. Ill try to check if any discord multiaccounts are still open.