PSA Discord TOS Update!

Posted 21 days, 12 hours ago (Edited 21 days, 12 hours ago) by Miles_Maitland

Hello there’s a new update to discord that has an arbitration clause. This means you will not be able to sue them in a normal court of law if they leaked any personal information or billing information of yours. I recommend you take the time to email them now opting out of this clause as you have 30 days to do so.

This post has all the information you need as well as a good copy and paste segment to send to discord. - original post

This is a good way to have recourse in case of your personal information being misused.

I know you likely don’t plan on suing discord, but just in case. This only affects US users btw.

Discord TOS clause - Discord’s official tos outlining this


You’re welcome! 


… Why does that feel somewhat illegal…? /genq


Bumping this, tysm op for alerting folks, I've announced it on a server I'm an admin in on Discord as well!


Oregon_or_the_Grave Although it may feel illegal it is not. Arbitration is legally binding and non-appealable unless otherwise agreed or extremely limited/rare circumstances. This is why reading the TOS is really important so you know what you’re actually agreeing to- a lot of people tend to skip over it since it’s really long but in a lot of cases that’s not the best idea especially if they have a Arbitration clause like this one!

beneaththebrine You’re welcome, I’m doing my best to make sure everyone knows so they can opt out if they want/need to before the time frame closes!


Manual bump! (Please bump & share so more people can see this!) 


Samateus you’re welcome! Trying to make everyone aware before the 30 days are up so they can opt out 


Samateus thank you for reposting! :D


Manual Bump! 


Manual Bump!


"Access to chats from 630 million Discord users sold has allegedly collected public messages from over 14,000 Discord servers using bots."

That was in a German article about that stuff and what Discord plans. What they did is against a couple of rules we have in Europe... Could be regarding something else but it's scary to know someone knows shit about us online in servers we are in.