🌻Positive Reviews For Toyhouse Itself!

Posted 4 months, 16 days ago (Edited 4 months, 16 days ago) by DonutToastDesigns


This is a thread made to talk about what you love about Toyhouse as a website!
Did you meet new friends? Did you learn how to code in HTML and CSS? Did you find your art style here? Or find cool artists you wouldn't have found otherwise?

Talk about it!

I've seen a lot of posts lately about the problems of Toyhouse, which people have every right to be concerned/worried about.
However, I think it's also important to remember all the lovely things Toyhouse has brought us over the years!

Let's spread some positivity and talk about all the nice things we've experienced, but never really say out loud!


I love using toyhouse as a site. I love sorting all my funny little guys and spicing up their profile with HTML! I actually learned how to work with HTML because I like using this site so much :oD

I also met such lovely people on this site, people who I now consider very close friends! I love watching them grow as a person and in their art, and I love their ocs. I'm glad i can easily find their oc profiles on this site instead of saving a bunch of refs to my computer!

I also actually really love toyhouse's literature feature, which seems to be rather underrated! I love sorting all my comics in there in the right order :oD and when you have animations you can easily link them to your character that way!

  • This is one of the best ways to store characters that I have found, as a worldbuilder I have 100s of characters (many I haven't gotten the chance to design or upload) so having an easy way to keep track of them all is so important to me. 😭  

  • I love the CSS on this site, being able to reformat and change the theme of all my folders to fit my stories is so much fun- as well as being able to do the same with worlds.

  • Speaking of Worlds, they're one of my favorite features on the site, I use them to store information for my universes as well as put all the characters in one place when it comes to stories that my friends are also a part of.

  • Being able to read about other people's characters is also something that I enjoy about this site, it isn't very easy to do on other social media platforms.

  • And last but not least the character profiles themselves, the different folder types, being able to see when they were uploaded, being able to link them to other characters, and the capabilities of HTML for their general profile are all features I adore. 
Edit: reformatting because my own response hurt my head 💀 

hmtl and css make shit so fun and cool to use


I was waiting for a thread like this! I have to admit that it's a lil hard to decide but I do know that I now have a safe and organized place to store my OCs and I have more opportunities than I do on Scratch :P

And I learned how to draw anthros on here and developed my style further too

And goofed off with some fun lil forum games

And finally found an audience that appreciates, loves and respects my work :D


it's so nice to have a website created and run by people who are genuinely interested in art and ocs, it's so rare these days to have a site like this that isn't focused on making a profit (seriously this is one of the very few sites i can think of that doesn't run ads) :] i love the customisability too - stuff like the html customisation for both user and character profiles and privacy settings are what i feel a lot of other character storage sites are missing. most importantly it's awesome to have a place where everyone has a shared interest in art and character creation, i never liked mainstream sites like twitter and ig for following artists since they're not focused on art but toyhouse and art fight are like the ideal communities for me and i'm very thankful sites like them exist!!


As a worldbuilding and community site, Toyhouse is AWESOME. Yes I am aware I should have all my images backed up [and do!] but it is SO convenient to just send a Toyhouse link when talking about one of my OCs. Plus it's so useful to keep lore contained and public instead of having 500+ google docs for all my OCs

And then there's the TRADING FEATURES. I love the fact that I can just search for OCs for sale from specific aesthetics. I want a backrooms OC? Epic just put "backrooms" into the tag search. Ocean themed? "Ocean" in the tag search! Webcore? Guess what, that in the tag search!

Toyhouse does have its issues [though my issues are primarily with the users, not the site itself] but overall I LOVE it.


i love to use toyhouse! i gwt to talk with people, transfer things with people, make new friends, store my characters, and even roleplay! its just so fun overall! thats why i love it and made an accoun5 :)


Honestly this is the best character storage site I’ve found. It’s made keeping up with my OCs and their artwork super easy. Toyhouse even encouraged me to start writing out bios and lore for my OCs more often. Before Toyhouse, I kept most of the longer information in my head.

I’ve also made active friends and mutuals on this site that I can actually chat with, something I felt like I’d never be able to do here at first. There’s also people on here that actually enjoy my characters, which is really cool! A lot of my characters that cringe culture made me think wouldn’t be liked actually did end up getting liked by a decent amount of people on this site, so at least I know not everyone actually hates my characters lol. Take that, imposter syndrome! >:D

Also kudos to the admin for actually adding in the option to close our own tickets! I was finally able to close a ticket I didn’t need answered anymore thanks to this feature, and that ticket had been open for a little over a year up until yesterday. The admin has also been responding to tickets a lot faster and I was finally able to get some questions I needed answering yesterday answered.

There’s more positive stuff I could say, but I’ll leave it at this for now.


This site has helped me greatly with lore building on my ocs and is the best site to store my babs for sure! The credits and such aren't hidden or hard to find when posting characters and the layout is pretty decent