PSA-Artist Beware: Guro-boy/Gintoki-kinnie

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 1 month ago) by Momma-Lucifer

WHO: Guro-Boy (Abandoned)

WHERE: (Deactivated account) (Still trying to trade their dainty) Moved to (nsfw art featured here: )

New accounts:

Still very active on Gintoki-kinnie, and joining several CS groups. Please be extremely cautious when dealing with them. 

Was also discovered he still owns 2 longthings, despite being banned from the species/community.

WHAT: 2 longthings (closed species by Glidertoo)


WHEN: Jan 31st, 2018 

EXPLAIN: I was approached by Guro-boy when I placed a thread seeking Longthings to buy. They messaged me with two that they were selling, one at 150$ and the other at 100$. I thought this was fine and wanted to buy them both. They originally asked me to send as Friends and family, but I said I was uncomfortable with that and offered to pay the fees for them. They sent me an invoice, which I was comfortable with because invoices are more secure. They gave me the image files and all was fine after. About a month in, I was contacted by a user, who I won’t mention, stating that their longthing looked eerily similar to one of mine. I agreed and sent Glider a note about it. (I later learned Glider isn’t as active where I contacted them, so that’s not an issue). I then contacted Guro and they stated it was a custom. I was still very wary, but I accepted it and just kept things quiet while I did some research. Things got busy, IRL, so I dropped the thing to take care of my life.

Glider posted a journal to FA today, April 11th, 2018. And stated there was a tracing issue. I asked in the thread, for someone to note me the name of the user. I was noted, by SEVERAL people, that it was guro-boy. This prompted me to message glider, who was active on the site, for confirmation. They confirmed my suspicions and stated I was sold two altered long things.


As of currently, I have filed a dispute asking for them to VERIFY the legitimacy of these longthings, but I will be escalating it to an immediate claim.



Glider’s journal: (

The Two longthings I was sold:

Conversation for original purchase:

Paypal proof:

Second PM asking about legitimacy:

PM to glider:

Folder with proofs:


Update: They have contacted me via email, and offered a refund on a payment plan after I escalated the dispute to a claim. 
My reply and theirs:

They have NOT refunded me anything yet. Despite this conversation happening this morning

Update 4/21/2018: They have contacted me via email and offered me the partial refund via. Together, we have decided that I will deny the refund so the case can be reviewed and the date extended in order to get a full refund of the 258$. I felt this was the best course of action, since the date they originally requested for the second payment was so close.

Updated: PayPal closed the case, not in my favor, and now I’m out the 258$. :,) So there’s nothing I can do, except hope that Guro actual refunds me, since I have no ground to stand on anymore. Update (5/1/2018): Paypal has closed the case, again, against my favor. I contacted Guro boy. They replied saying they needed to check if their bank wouldn't frekk out. Then proceed to tell me that they WOULD refund it. Here we are. Almost a week past the actual date they said they'd have the full amount. Nothing. I'm taking this as a loss. I am going to see if my bank will do anything. I am doubtful, but I can at least hope.

5/19/2018 My bank has denied the claim to reverse the charge. Their reason is that paypal stated that I authorized the transaction. They found the payment to be valid. So, I've filed a complaint with the BBB, but at this point, there's nothing I can do. (BBB case)

Guro has been seen trying to commission Glider, despite not refunding me the amount. (Archive link: )

5/26/2018: It looks like Guro-boy has migrated to making off-brands of the closed species he was banned from. 
Second update: Guro has now blocked me from his social media platforms, which leaves me no way to contact him. It confirms that he was the one that made these fake longthings, and not this "darlingdoq" account he claimed sold him these.

Third update:

And ladies and gents, I have payment part 1 of 2 from Guro-boy.

Update (6/2): Guro boy has been caught tracing art from other artists and selling them as commissions. (

Update 6/3: New accounts added to the list of accounts.
Artist beware from traced art:

**Update 11/3/21: New accounts added to the beware

If anyone is interested in retweeting the AB post on twitter:

** 6/20/2018: A rep from paypal called me today. She resolved my claim and issued a credit for thew full 258$ to my account. It turns out, there was a large misunderstanding on paypal's part and my correct channel through the BBB resolved this. I issued a refund to Guro-boy for the 125$ they gave me. I am not interested in keeping money that is not mine. I am considering this resolved.


Vespisia I’m going to call them as soon as their call centers open up. I’m not really sure why, as knockoffs are directly covered by their buyer protection

Princesomniac That was my next step. I’m going to wait for guro to reply to my email, and then contact my bank if they won’t do anything.


During this dispute have you called paypal at all? I realized after one unsavory issue that paypal doesn't really help with digital goods. So then ,i realized calling them gives you 1000% better chance for it ending up in your favor.  Since you're talking to someone instead of their automated messages. The last thing you can do is call your bank, tell them it was a fraudulent purchased (which they would have to help) and say that paypal did nothing and closed the case. (The bank will sometimes say you need to call paypal first because it was done through them) i hope you get your refund back! If they cared at all to send you back the money, they would have made an effort to do so.


@hellmilk I have called them 3 times during this. They advised that I NOT take the partial refund and said that the case wouldn’t be closed and I could still be offered a full refund. The lady I spoke to said this case was closed because these items were “customs” and aren’t covered. Even though they weren’t customs for me. Or customs at all. She at least reopened it and said that they would look again. If not, I have started the process with my bank to file for fraudulent charges. I’m just not sure how this will go because of how my bank handles “investigations”. All PayPal has to do is show them that they closed the dispute and I likely won’t be able to file.


Gosh thats rough. I really do honestly hope you get your money back, if not all, then at least a big chunk of it. Its amazing how they are pretty much getting away with scamming $250  , while youre out $250 and 2 Longthings.


pajuxi - they're claiming that one of the previous "dainties" is now just a cow satyr (also wanted to update here so others knew as well) just in case? Idk if you allow them to change the species of a pre-existing dainty to be off-species

Ref sheet won't let me save an archive of it sadly so here >

Didn't know if anyone noticed this change or not! Thought I'd try to help a bit


I've never seen Paypal not refund in the favor of the buyer in this case, unless it was countered by the other party. So this just leads me to believe that Guro also appealed to them.. trying to close the case in their favor. Have you asked Paypal if there was a counter? I really don't understand the hold up and why this issue has taken nearly a month when it's quite obvious of the circumstances and the obvious fraud that Guro has been dealing in knowingly.

Next time you speak to Paypal, I'd ask for a manager because you're case hasn't been resolved for so long, that or ask them to expedite your case.

I wouldn't count on your bank, personally. I mean anything you can do to work it, do so, but normally banks will only reimburse you in the case of an impending refund to handle the funds they would take a loss on.


Hopefully the reopening will lead to a better outcome for you. I'm honestly quite surprised that Paypal did not decide in your favor, considering how notorious the company is for siding with customers. And in this case, your situation is very legitimate so even more surprising! @_@


Updated again. I have contacted my bank and will be going that route, but I am not very hopeful they will do anything, since I've had issues with their fraud department before.


): So Paypal closed it against you a second time?


Vespisia Yes, I called twice to get it reopened, and they are insisting that this is a "custom" item, and is not covered by their buyer protection. Even though there is no custom involved.


Darn. >8( Hmm...I hope the bank route works. I forget, have you posted this to Artists-Beware? 


Did anywhere on your original transaction suggest that it is a custom work?