🐅 十二生肖 Shengxiao CS

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 5 days ago) by Pftl

十二生肖 Shengxiao CS
Development / World Beta Stage (Closed Species by Parfaits / parfaitsugar)

Toyhouse World MYO Slots Tracking List Species TOS

Updates Log Shengxiao Overview Shengxiao Lore

32729?1555908342.jpgHello! Welcome to the Species Discussion Thread for the recently created Shengxiao Closed Species.
Please see below for information on the species and the world (including how to join during the development stage)!

Updates Log
Please note all official updates are logged on the Updates Log Thread within the Toyhouse world.
Not all updates will be logged on this thread, especially minor ones. Link to Updates Log Thread is at the top of this post!

June 5th: Reformatted this Species Discussion Thread.

May 20th: Free Shengxiao MYO slots (species launch event) all claimed, currently capped at 90.

十二生肖 Information

What are Shengxiao?

  • 十二生肖 is pronounced Shí Èr Shēng Xiào, the Species name is shortened to《生肖》ShēngXiào.
  • Shengxiao are a closed species heavily based on the concept of the 12 Chinese Zodiac.

What are the Chinese Zodiac?

  • Chinese Zodiac refers to the canonical Chinese horoscope and the 12 zodiac animals it comprises.
  • The canonical horoscope system follows a 12-year cycle where each year is represented by an animal in the Chinese Zodiac.
  • The Chinese Zodiac animals follow the order of → Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig

Shengxiao Species

  • Humanoid (main) + Feral elements + Shapeshifting
  • Each Shengxiao character can shift between 3 forms in total.
  • More information details on each form and the corresponding traits in the Toyhouse World!

Shengxiao Lore / World Setting

  • Much of the Shengxiao lore is heavily based on the Chinese Zodiac and Chinese mythology.
  • Planning to add some lunar elements to it based on other Chinese myths too~
  • Overall world setting and concept quite detailed + still working on it and will need to sketch out a few sheets + references.
  • Will take a bit of time to get the whole concept out. Feel free to join the world to keep up with developments or chat in the meantime though!

十二生肖 Development Stage
Currently in development process, and we have a World up and running for those interested!

  • Please refer to rules below on how to join the world!
  • Don't want to post all the details until the species is completed, but anyone is welcome to join the world to keep up with updates!
  • Joining the world now at the species creation stage will also currently grant you one MYO slot.
    • Do note that as of May 20th 2019, the free MYO slots have reached the cap amount (90 MYO slots), no more free MYO slots will be given out for joining the world.
    • It's still alright to join the world just to keep up with developments though, just that all free MYO slots for this event have been reserved and no further ones will be distributed. Requirements for joining the world are still the same as previously.

How to join the Shengxiao World?
If you'd like an invitation to the world, here's the requirements:

  1. Make a post here stating you want to join.
  2. Make a bulletin linking back to the thread and say you'll be joining the world to read on the developments (can delete the bulletin afterwards).
  3. Do indicate if you’d like to claim your MYO slot as well! (free MYOs all claimed, capped at 90!)

You can also just indicate interest in comments here, but the bulletin is required to join the world.


Peridotite Sorry, messed up the ping, see above post! 


Free MYO Slots Masterlist


MYO list updated! Also renumbered the slots so it actually counts to 90 now! 

Many thanks to all the interest so far, but will have to cap at 90 free MYO's. 💗

Total free MYO slot reservation count is currently at 90, which means there are no more free MYO Slots available after this point / post. 

Joining the world to keep up with updates is still ok though! Just that the requirements to join are still the same but no more free MYO's to be given out. 


Hello! Just clarifying the deadlines for MYOs due to some confusion:

  • Shengxiao - no MYO deadline specified yet
  • Qinghua - MYO deadline on June 15th! please check Qinghua thread for details

Shengxiao and Qinghua are two separate species so the deadlines are different! Clarifying just in case since there was some confusion and I didn't want anyone to rush through their MYOs.


June 5th Updates: 

  • Reformatted and tidied up this Species Discussion Thread!
  • For more cohesive update tracking, please check the Updates Log Thread in the Shengxiao World instead! Not all updates will be posted on this thread. 
  • Updates Log Thread and some additional links have been added to this thread for easier navigation! 

Sorry for the lack of posts in June! Just updating that there has been development on the Shengxiao species but am still sorting / checking the information so it's not been posted yet.

Some of the update concepts are posted in the temporary Shengxiao discord server, for MYO slot holders, feel free to drop by and take a look if interested! (invite link in the world)


Mid-June to Mid-July Updates: 

  • Updated with all changes made since Mid-June till Mid-July!
  • Not a lot of big updates to the world itself but been working on some stuff while offline:
    - future planned Shengxiao updates / progress list have now been organised and can be accessed from the link provided in the  latest Updates Log post!
    - also been working on a test countdown timer for the free Species Launch Shengxiao MYO event (please note this timer is a test timer, the event is not underway yet)
  • For more cohesive update tracking, please check the Updates Log Thread in the Shengxiao World instead! Not all updates will be posted on this thread. 

Ahhh I am interested but pretty late for the myos ;o; will there be any soon?


Hiroki Hello! The current plan is once it's launched there will be MYO slots available in the shop, but there's still a bunch of stuff to be worked out and redone so it won't be super soon 🙈

If you'd like, I could add you to the pinglist when the world is open to public or when there are MYO slots available?


Yes please! I'd love that ^^