★ Astraleins - A Space Species [9/05 Raffle!]

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by succurox

Is this something you'd see yourself getting into?

25 Votes Yes, absolutely!
4 Votes Yes, but I need a bit more information.
4 Votes Eh, it's 50/50 right now.
5 Votes Not at the moment but down the line, maybe.
3 Votes No, not really.

Welcome home, child.



At first, there was only one. In the ever expanding void that was Spacia, there had been a being of great magical power; perhaps it had too much power. This being rose with no direction and no sense of self other than their name. Gods, their name? Emperor...that was all they could remember at the time of being born. No, they were awoken. A slumber that felt as long as a milennia, half as long as they had been alive, they were sure. How long had it been? Centuries? Longer? There were more of them, they were positive.

There certainly had been more. Hours passed by of searching for the others only to find out that they too were in a deep slumber. The ones like them, the ones with the crescent moon...they found that those creatures slept close to the moon. The ones that drifted off, drifted to the sun. Where they were changed, made anew. Made...different. One by one, they began to awaken, some awakening within minutes of each other, some awakening within hours. Sometimes days. Emperor felt a dear need to lead these lost children somewhere safe. A civilization for them to reside within other than drifting aimlessly in Spacia.

Emperor didn't want to leave these beings alone. Not while some were scared and couldn't even remember their past lives, not while some couldn't even fathom how much time had passed. They created a place for these beings to be, a place where the sun and moon could live in harmony, calling it Cygnessa, a planet hidden within Spacia but close to Earth, so that they could travel easily between worlds.

A memory came back. Many memories came back. They all came at once. They were an Astralein. So was everyone else around them. They were there since the beginning, when everyone was born from either the moon or the sun. When everyone was divided. When there was a war between the Soleins and the Lunaleins. Then, what put all of the Astraleins to sleep?

It was them, wasn't it? Emperor put everyone to sleep, didn't they?

They did. Right. It was to start anew, they were pretty sure. It was to create peace between the Soleins and the Lunaleins. To live in harmony together and to create a new future as one.

Brief Overview

Astraleins are highly emotional and magically-inclined beings born from either the moon or the sun and have just awoken from a two millenia long slumber with amnesia of their past lives. They are also called Lunaleins if born from the moon and Soleins if born from the sun. No matter the variation, the young Astraleins are called Starries. They're able to live for a few millenia but most live until about six-hundred [600]. Their strengths include them being very intelligent, highly empathetic, physically strong, magically inclined and adaptable. However, they aren't particularly too tolerant to any species similar to humans or humans themselves. Not to mention, because they feel very strongly, it isn't uncommon for an Astralein to become sick or worse, die, purely from bad emotions. The average height for an Astralein is 5'10".

When it comes to the reproductive system, they can be male, female or intersex. Intersex Astraleins, however, have an overlapped male and female voice when they speak. Almost like a reverb sound effect. That being said, being born intersex is rare in itself. Gender, of course, isn't linear and everyone has their own experiences with such.

Moon Variant

Moon Variant Astraleins typically are more feminine in nature, although that is in a general sense. There are masculine Lunaleins, it's just not as common. Moon Variants are also called Lunaleins. Lunaleins are very talented in mentalism or divination, as well as controlling water. Generally, Lunaleins have a cool toned palette but that isn't a strict rule, there are all kinds!

Mutations occur when a Lunalein is born under a certain kind of moon. Say a Lunalein was born on the day of a blood moon. That Lunalein would be a blood moon Lunalein and most of the color palette would be one color with maybe one accent color to set the Lunalein apart from others like it. List of mutations: Supermoon (larger in height lunalein), Micromoon (shorter in height lunalein), Blue Moon, Blood Moon, Pink Moon, Flower Moon (floral lunalein), Cold Moon (made of ice).

Sun Variant

Sun Variant Astraleins are generally more masculine in nature, but again, it's generalized. Sun Variants are also called Soleins. Soleins are talented in physical prowess and elemental based magic but excel in dealing with fire. Generally, Soleins have a warm toned palette but like with the Lunaleins, that isn't a strict rule. There are all kinds of Soleins.

Mutations occur when a Solein is born near any of the special stars and has the affinity to absorb said star. Say a Solein was born near a blue giant. They would then be a Blue Giant Solein and most of the color palette would reflect blue with one accent color. List of mutations: Supergiant, Red Dwarf, Red Giant, Blue Giant, White Dwarf, Brown Dwarf.


Head Gems

The bread and butter of the Astraleins. These floating gems define the Astralein to some degree. The gem that they carry with them is slowly developed as they grow, so by the time they become full fledged adults, they have a floating gem with them. Now, although it is pretty, this gem is essentially their heart. Should it break, they die. That being said, all Astraleins have a natural force field to protect their gem. The only things powerful enough to crack it are other Astraleins of similar or higher magical potency. The frame of the gem is usually silver or gold but can also be made out of mithril or obsidian, along with any other metal, really. If the Astralein is a mutation, usually the gem will reflect that. Pink Moon would have a pink gem. Dwarf Star mutations may have a smaller gem, it all depends.



Trait Explanation

A lot of these traits can be mixed and matched in whatever way imaginable, so there can be a lot of variety within the community. However, if your Astralein has the most traits in a certain category, that is the type it's considered. So, if you have all of the rare traits but one uncommon, it's considered rare. The only exceptions to this rule are listed below:

Exception 1: If one grade of Astralein has a trait or two from two grades above it. In that case, it's bumped up a single grade. Example - If a Common Astralein had long horns and a tail from the Rare trait list, it'd be considered an Uncommon Astralein. Rare Astraleins cannot take advantage of this.

Exception 2: Vice versa can occur. If one grade of Astralein has a suprisingly close amount of traits from two grades below it, the rarity will drop. Example - If a Rare Astralein had 4 rare features and 3 common ones, it will drop to uncommon. Mythic Astraleins will always be Mythic as long as most of the features on them are Mythic.

A note: Your Astraleins traits do NOT have to look how they do on the trait list. These were just the easiest examples. So that devil tail can be switched with a fluffy one. The angel wings can be switched with devil wings. Horns can look different. The planet rings don't have to be wrapped around the waist.



Another key thing about Astraleins are the accessories they wear. Every Astralein has at least one earring. This earring is the Magical Potency earring. The minimum amount of triangles you can have on this earring is one and the highest is eight, with the star being on the most powerful of Astraleins. This particular earring also is a tell-all to the amount of wealth one may have. However, for the most part it deals with magical potency.

1-3 triangles is common for Common Astraleins, but if they had 4 triangles, it wouldn't be unheard of but it's rare. 4-5 is common for Uncommon Astraleins but if they had 6 triangles, it wouldn't be unheard of but it's rare. 6-7 is common for Rare Astraleins, but if they had 8, again the same case. Not unheard of but rare. 7-8 is common for Mythic Astraleins. Star is reserved solely for the Emperor.

Raffle Details

Hello everyone ~! The raffle details are out! So, letting you guys know now that the raffle will be taking place next week on Monday 9/9 at about 8pm EST! All of you will be able to enter twice, so you'll have two winning numbers. You can pick any two numbers between 1 and 50 but you must let me know what numbers you've chosen either in the thread or in discord or else you won't be eligible! I'll be raffling off the following:
1 MYO Mutated Astralein (Rare and under traits)
1 MYO Mythic Astralein
4 MYO Rare Astraleins

The taken numbers are currently: 12, 13, 24, 36, 42, and 48.
But if this isn't updated, you can also check the tracker!

Last Note

So, if you liked anything you saw here and want to be part of the community, please don't hesitate to let me know or if you have questions, please ask! This species is still very much a WIP and I will definitely need some assistance with it! You may join the discord if you would like and there is a dA group in the wings that I may need assistance with. All Astraleins made will be favorited by the Astraleins mule, so if you're curious, take a look!

HTML by lowkeywicked


August 11th, 2019

  • Thread is up and roaring to go! People are free to post here!
  • Discord is set up to the bare bones so that it's usable. 
  • Event with Jellians is currently being planned.
  • Launch event is currently being planned.
  • dA link added.

August 12th, 2019

  • Work being done on the dA page, working on coding and formatting both blogs and bulletins.
  • More added to lore and description of Astraleins. Changes are in bold and italics.
  • Made it less easy to get an uncommon ticket but gave the chance of a rare.

August 13th, 2019

  • Switched from Closed Species to Semi-open.

August 20th, 2019

  • Added MYO guide at the top, replaced the ToS button. This will be officially in dA either today or tomorrow.
  • Edited the Hierarchy section for more clarification on the triangles.
  • People are free to make their own now! 
  • Form was deleted seeing as there's a MYO guide now.

August 31st, 2019

  • Two official Astralein adopts are roaring and ready to go! You can check the thread for those here!

September 5th, 2019

  • Added raffle details at the bottom of the main post!

catisrosey NostalgicAstronaut Krazy_Koder MobiusTriptych Skitcha PrinceMissy Micillia FoKx Cosmoddino Microlasticfan moonbeau








Very interesting~

Would love to be on the pinglist too! 


NostalgicAstronaut catisrosey

Thank you for being interested ~! I should have an opening raffle event as soon as more people are wanting to be a part of the community!


Can you put me on the ping list?


Krazy_Koder MobiusTriptych

Absolutely! <3


oh these are beautiful sign me up for that ping list babey, im excited to see what you do with these!!


I'd love to be on the ping list!


Skitcha PrinceMissy

Aye aye, cap'n!
Thank you for being interested. <3


These are lovely!! May i please be added to the ping list? 

Also, where would i send the form if i was to do so? :D 



Of course! Also! PM or here, although, I quite literally just put up the rules for making a Astralein, so I'll PM you first if you don't mind?