QlcpIVa.pngOur Forum | Our dA

This is the page for the newly expanded Terrea aRPG! ^__^ We're very happy to welcome you here.
Terrea is an aRPG run primarily on a forum, but we also have a Discord forum and a dA account.

Now, if you're wondering what Terrea's general premise is, I'm here to explain. Terrea is an aRPG with Spore-like elements - to participate, first you'll get a blobling, which is a mochi-like blob of flexibility and wonder. Your blobling will be your character on Terrea, and you'll be able to write or draw to earn currency to evolve it! Bloblings can look like just about anything from a turtle to a talking sandcastle, so as far as your character's appearance on Terrea goes, the sky's the limit!

Here are just a few of the bloblings that have been designed so far.


Now, once you have your blobling, you can role play as it on our forums or Discord or draw it through its stat progression! Making pieces of art with your blobling in it can also earn you on-site currency, which can be used to evolve your blobling further and help it grow all those arms and legs it probably wants. :3

Additionally, we hold site-wide events every month, as well as interactive world building events that allow players to have a real say in what happens in the setting! Join in and have a hand in building new flora, fauna and pets! And speaking of pets; bloblings are able to tame the pets of Terrea at their leisure, and there are mechanics in place to help them bond with their fluffy friends as well. ^__^ Ah, and you're able to breed your bloblings together to make new, exciting hybrids!

We also have stat-based combat, which is where a lot of our aRPG functionality comes in. To gain levels in Strength, Defense, and more, you'll need to draw your blobling in situations that match the stat you want to level! Draw your blobling racing a weird bird or getting beat up by a giant mole. And do it with friends! Plot-wise, Terrea is set on... well, Terrea. Terrea is an Earth-like planet created by Ichor, the Goddess of Life/Blood, who was looking for a place to call home after Earth 2 met its unfortunate end.

To keep her company, she made the bloblings... for the most part, Terrea follows the lives of the bloblings that have been created, the flora and fauna that populate their world, the Gods and Goddesses that rule them and the conflict that's brewing between them.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, we'd love to have you. <3

This is our forum link.


I still gotta try to get more prompts done


Me too.  I got one art prompt done and one mini mission.  Need..... To..... Do.....More.


Got a mini mission done!


A new fun Halloween pet will be a thing!


Fun events to come!


Month is half way done......


Last day for a fun Halloween event!


A bleeding season is starting today!


I got in two bleedings this round...


Omg am so hyped for my bleeds


I got my bleeds!!!!






What one would you choose?



Logging in with my Terrea only account to say, this is such a fun arpg <3