Interest Check || Villetzal Species

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by willowbone

Would you want to make a Villetzal?

3 Votes Yes!
2 Votes Bruh I want a corrupted one real bad.
2 Votes No, but good luck!

Howdy! I've been working on a species for a while, so oops here I am with some WIP stuff.
Might host a MYO event if enough people are interested? Anyway, feel free to comment or ask any questions! I'd love to hear feedback.
Villetzal are a tall race (6 to 7ft) with long, thick arms and elongated torsos. Their short legs are digitigrade, and they have different types of ears and eyes.
Most Villetzal have tails with one magic-filled gem, though some may have more gems, or no tail at all.

Villetzal have the risk of becoming corrupted if they experience a traumatic or otherwise negatively powerful event centered around an emotion. However, the same event might lead to different corruption depending on the individual.

For example, after having lost someone very important to them, they might:

- Hide away and become corrupt with Loneliness.
- Fall into a terrible depression and become corrupt with Sadness.
- Feel extreme, long-lasting emotional pain and become corrupt with Agony.
-  Turn their feelings outward into aggression and become corrupt with Anger.

Each core emotion comes with its own typical forms of corruption, from physical to mental, though it largely depends on the individual.
While a Villetzal can potentially become corrupted with more than one emotion, it’s incredibly rare. Also, a Villetzal might be able to heal from the negative event to heal from their mental corruption, but the physical corruption will remain.
(Corruption only occurs if the Villetzal cannot move on from the event. It must affect their everyday life for a long period of time, and/or drastically change them as a person.)

Some examples of physical corruption include: cracked skin, growth of spikes along the body, melting flesh, and many arms/hands/eyes/mouths.

(Click for bigger view.)