CS - 🦂 Orpus

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by Cornspiracy


What is an Orpus?
Orpus are less a species but rather a group of cursed individuals under one name. Whatever species a person may be they are capable of being turned into an Orpus. Orpus tend to bring chaos and destruction wherever they go.


How does one become an Orpus?

Through cruelty, punishment, or at the request of the turned. An immortal could be punishing a sinner or turning someone as a bet. Sometimes a wisher may catch the ear of a god and be turned in exchange for something else. Whatever the reason they are typically only made by immortals. While attempts could be made to create an artificial Orpus, they will be powerless. No curse, no flaw, no glamour. Artificial ones don't live long without protection. Artificials will only be available for auction style sells.

What are Orpus’ powers?
de1efzx-608546f1-d1a1-4a4e-949f-f2d9f1c1When an Orpus is made they always come with a fatal flaw or curse of some sort, typically the curse is based around a desire, an emotion, or a sin they’ve committed. A greedy person could be cursed with Midas Touch, and a thief can be cursed to only hunger for the one thing they stole. Someone who’s felt cut off from the world, cold and distant, could easily have the ability to turn the entire land around them into an arctic wasteland.

The strength of their powers vary. The strongest Orpus will typically have a power conductor in a gem or eye that can appear on various parts of the body.

Orpus society.

Because of their power, Orpus are hunted in the worlds they exist in. This is why weaker ones typically have a glamour as to hide better. This glamour is not easily broken by mortals or fellow Orpus. It typically takes an Orpus to be cursed to see through glamours, and that curse often comes with the desire to hunt down fellow Orpus.

They don’t often find safety in one another, but there is always a possibility that a small group may exist in a village here or there hidden amongst regular people.

Stronger Orpus don’t typically have glamours as they don’t need one. They can protect themselves and sometimes offer their protection to others in exchange for servitude. A large group of Orpus together will usually mean they’re serving under a much more powerful one.

Orpus Traits.
de1efzp-22265ea7-1a70-4956-9090-43b93e20Orpus always, despite the previous species, come with rabbit-like legs, and two prong ears that vaguely resemble a scorpion’s pincers. The length of their ears can vary greatly and they point both inwards and outwards.


Orpus have the most variation when it comes to their tails. Tails most commonly are long enough to curl multiple times before hitting the floor, and very thin from butt to tip. Though sometimes they can have a thick base tail. They also typically come with a metal ornament at the end that will at times store venom but they’re mostly for appearance. It’s rare to have a tail that has a puff pattern, or a nub at the end, and even rarer to have a tail so short that it doesn’t touch the floor. Despite being rare, these tails are not sought after due to how unintimidating they are. Immortals with a particular beef may give an Orpus an unappealing tail.

Rare traits that are sought after are scorpion tails, and false legs.

de1eg00-effca008-34a3-475d-a690-7e27b8d4What an Orpus was before their turning can also effect their appearance. An Orpus who used to be birdfolk may have cherub wings, and an Orpus who used to be aquatic may have a mermaid form or gills and fins.

Orpus Examples


Feedback and critique welcome! Forgive the setup, Th is kind've killing me T T


i love this concept omg! so, orpus were once other beings that have commit some kind of sin or wish to become an orpus? what are some other examples of curses? are there any that would be too powerful/more desirable?

i’d love to join a group or discord for this, it looks so cool ;;


lazaere Yes! Or they've been turned into Orpus because higher beings decided it'd be funny. Sorta like a Pandora's box situation!

The curses are really limitless to allow creativity, but an Orpus would probably desire a curse that affects other's less than them! Alot of the ones I've made so far have been 100% self-harming sort of curses so I guess you could say they're more common though I'd rather not put a rarity on them.

Some curse examples would be say--

1.Character wishes for silence, immortal hears them and gives it to them. Now the world around them is quiet. People can't speak in their presence, and neither can they.
2. Character breaks the heart of immortal, immortal curses them to fall hopelessly in love with every person they meet.
3. Character's voice/touch causes other's to immediately fall asleep, they're are unable to talk/touch as punishment for being too handsy or too mouthy!
4. Literally steal pandora's box whole concept because why not hehe

I'm maybe thinking about a discord! I'm just a little scared I won't be able to give it the attention it needs but it's something I'm definitely going to consider! thank you for your interest! ; ; / 


ohh im DEF interested in this cs!! theyre so cute and fit all my aesthetic needs.... also the concept is so nice and new, i love em!!! im super excited >:)


You had me at the scorpion emoji---

These look super cool! Lmk if you open up myos or what nots!!


alphinaudToastGoblin Thank you!


I actually just opened up gacha customs! https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/148617.-orpus-gacha-customs-open-
I don't know if they'll interest you, but there ya go! : D

jitterbug If you're asking me to ping you if there's a sale then I can do that!

bugboy I don't think I'll be doing myos for a little but, but I will definitely put an update here if I do!



Gacha sales now up!


jitterbug OHH!! Ok! Got ya!


https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/173912.halloween-orpus-adopt-soon- ! SOOONNNN


oh I adore this concept . . . the way orpus are the result of a curse is really interesting and I love the scorpion inspiration! do you happen to have a trait tier list for them somewhere? just got my first orpus today so I’m curious, I love them so much hehe


Im glad you like them!! As for the traits, while I do list some as "rarer" my main goal for orpus is for them to be creatively open. Rarity means little in the species currently. If someone wanted to change a rarity or make the Orpus have a power conductor I'd allow it.

I will be allowing Orpus owners to port their Orpus into another species I'm working on for an ARPG. They will have tier based rarity! Though that won't be for awhile.


ValRoyeaux oh nice! thank you for the response, I’m excited to see more of this other species as well!