Free MYO Glass Angels slots - (CLOSED)

Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 3 years, 10 months ago) by MoriKeiFemme

I’m doing six free MYO slots for my CS Glass Angels!! You can Pm me or comment on this forum for a slots!

You can read about the species herebut I've also added a basic anatomy chart with info on their traits as well as an example of the species that I have designed. GlassAngels_Anatomy_Sheet.png?width=317&44805463.png?width=475&height=475


dogfishtrot Of course! Just make sure to follow the requirements listed in one of my previous comments. 


Can I get one?


CrispyCutie of course!! Please make sure to follow the requirements listed below in order to claim your slot!

The only requirements I have are that you join the species world, add your character to the world upon completion, credit me as the species creator, and this last one isn't a requirement, more of just a helpful tip, but you might want to have the username of the species admin (in this case me) that gave you the slot and that you received it during a free myo event so it’s easier to add you to the masterlist. 



Thank you!


ReedCatcher Yep!! The last slot is all yours!

Please make sure to follow the requirements posted in the thread!