Koffin Karriers MYO event (open)

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by smolmortician


Hiya to kick off my new species Koffin Karriers!
they are omens that wonder the world/purgatory dealing out omens.


if you have questions comment here ask away

~How to participate~

Step 1: Join the Discord discord link 

Step 2: Make sure you are watching me!

Step 3: You need to favorite and share this post will get you a Uncommon MYO

Tagging 3 plus people will get you 2 rare traits

drawing art of mascot can get you 1 legendary trait (link to mascot Elizabeth )

fill this out and comment below
Username: (tag yourself!)

Link to Journal:

Link to Mascot drawing: (optional)

Joined Discord?: (yes/no)

Watching me?: (yes/no)

Tags: (optional)

once you have the posted and get a reply please screenshot the proof.

when submiting myo please DM me or do it in the myo approval channel in the sever

we are more active on Discord/and a TH world is in the works!

you can also do all this in the DA post https://www.deviantart.com/smolmortician/art/Koffin-Karriers-MYO-event-open-870178263?ga_submit_new=10%3A1613196479&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1 


DoNt Be StUpId.
dont steal/copy or take koffin karriers.

Art and species(c) smolmortician 



Username: Kittor87 on literally everything (might be Kittor-87 on some platforms)

Link to journal entry: So um... I may or may not actually really know how Posting on Da works... so you know, It might have worked. In any case its on my DA profile which is just Kittor87 

Link to Mascot Drawing: In the Discord UvU

Watching: Yes UvU

Tags: I have no friends TnT


Kittor87 Thanks for joining! Please screenshot this comment as proof of your UNCOMMON MYO + 1 legendary trait please screenshot this for proof!


Username: OpalDeerling
Link to Journal: Journal
Link to Mascot drawing: Coming soon!
Joined Discord: Yes
Watching: Yes
Tags: Mugofatmosphere , PenWingStar, Keeveehart , Vitamins , Zsteube , Yanachii , Jesi-Jess , softsy , caelondian
Expiration: None
Note:Sorry for the tags!

 I'm at least 20% sure this is something you'd be 300% creative with. I'm no mathematician but..

🆕smolmortician I finally finished it. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/634337235000360971/886768720872099860/KK_-_Elizabeth.png


OpalDeerling Thanks for joining! Please screenshot this comment as proof of your UNCOMMON MYO + 2 rare traits

  please screenshot this for proof
I cant wait to see what you make! good luck and enjoy!


Username: Shineheart

Link to Journal: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/272560.koffin-karriers-myo-event

Link to Mascot drawing: N/A

Joined Discord?: Yes (Shineheart26#6538)

Watching me?: Yes

Tags: teenage-wifi Vexxy niice Leethebean (sorry for the tags ^^;; )


Is this an open or semi-open species? :3 And do MYO's expire?


BabieofDaYear thry are a closed species this is an Myo event basically and the myos don’t expire.


Oh ok! Tysm for letting me know ^-^


Username: elite-handcuffs

Link to Journal: da journal~

Link to Mascot drawing: here

Joined Discord?: yes

Watching me?: yes (watching at DeviantArt)

Tags: aienai terrainakka fallingwish raveniffaz alexs-moon-garden

EDITED 29/9/2021



Thanks for joining! Please screenshot this comment as proof of your UNCOMMON MYO + 2 rare traits

  please screenshot this for proof
I cant wait to see what you make! good luck and enjoy!



Thanks for joining! Please screenshot this comment as proof of your UNCOMMON MYO + 2 rare traits

  please screenshot this for proof
I cant wait to see what you make! good luck and enjoy!

these can be updated at anytime


Username: SalSethoover996

Link to Journal: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/276045.koffin-karriers

Link to Mascot drawing: koffin.png?width=406&height=406

Joined Discord?: yes

Watching me?: yes

Tags: Hanamoru AzazielSawyer irislopes (sorry for the tag!)



 Thanks for joining! Please screenshot this comment as proof of your UNCOMMON MYO + 2 rare traits + 1 legendary trait

  please screenshot this for proof
I cant wait to see what you make! good luck and enjoy!


Hello~ I edited my entry with mascot art!~