Posted 2 years, 9 months ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by foxtopus


we're proud to announce that the foxtopus community goes live today!!

foxtopi are a closed species created by uhenishi, and co-owned by artbymaxm.

this species is hosted on our website foxtop.us!! there is more extensive explanations and traitlists there, and on our toyhou.se world.

what are foxtopi?

foxtopi are foxes who have eaten a poptopus, a special mutated octopus that merges with its consumer and gives them cephalopod-like features such as tentacles as well as prolong their lifespan, potentially making them immortal!

for every hundred years, a foxtopus will grow another tail, the limit stopping at 9 tails in total.

(extensive information can be found here!



kumiho vs. kitsune

currently there are 2 available types of foxtopi standing forms for this MYO event.

kumiho-type foxtopi are exclusive to the legendary 9 tail trait while kitsune-type foxtopi are open to foxtopi with any amount of tails.

some notes: foxtopus standing forms do not need to be human! they can be anthro too!

standing forms are also completely optional! your foxtopus can either be just feral or just standing!

How do i get a foxtopus?

during our grand opening event, we are giving out free "common-uncommon" slots, which means that you can create a foxtopus with unlimited common and uncommon traits!

we will also be offering 5 upgrades to a "rare-super rare" myo slot with a charge of 7 USD. (MYOs of this rarity are usually 15 USD, what a steal!!)

UPDATE: we didn't expect this many people would join!!! wow!!! 🥳 thank you everyone for your interest ☺️ because of this, $7 R-SR upgrades are now available for the whole month of december, just let us know in your comment! again, thank you all so much!!!

also, also, the first 10 people to complete their forms will receive 300 cuttlewishes ( CW / nCqOaju.png ) in their bank account!

your foxtopus can be feral/anthro, feral/humanoid, or just feral/ just humanoid/ just anthro! you do not need to make both a feral and a standing design though you are allowed to!

there are also a few premade adopts available! adopts are all sold out!

steps to enter

STEP 1. make an account

it is required to have a foxtopus account on our website. since it is primarily hosted over there, this is how we will be transferring your MYO slot.

remember to make sure your account is verified. you can do this by connecting your deviantart, tumblr, twitter, or twitch to the site! and once that's verified, we can go through with the process!

UPDATE: site glitches out every now and then when verifying ;; as long as you've made an account, you can submit a form, just note down if you haven't been able to verify yet :]

update: the reason for the glitches is that our site can't handle sending more than 100 emails at a certain time. please just keep trying every so often! thank you for your patience!

 if you're still having email issues, please note that aol is a super strict receiver and is probably delaying our emails to you really bad due to us being a new site with a new ip. we recommend using gmail, and if you would like to switch your account to gmail please either dm uhenishi through th or discord u!#8008 with your foxtopus username as well as the email you're wanting to change it to!

STEP 2. spread the word

share this post in a bulletin! we'd love to make this community flourish, and the best way to do so is to tell your friends and have them tell their friends!

STEP 3. fill out your form in the comments

let us know you've done all of the above! (remember to bump our post!)

step 4. the optional stuff

tag a friend! you'll get an extra free rare trait with your MYO if you do! (if you have upgraded to rare, you will get an extra free legendary/mutation trait)

join our discord!! it's not required but highly recommended, especially if you plan on buying items with USD instead of group currency! the USD shop is hosted there :) it also has much of the most updated FAQs answered there! + we host discord exclusive adopt events and raffles! (currently we are hosting 3 raffles, join to get a chance at them!)

join the toyhou.se world! even though the species is not hosted on toyhou.se, wouldn't you like all your eggs in (more than) one basket?

if you decide to upgrade to an "r-sr" slot, we will link you a paypal invoice through PM! as soon as the payment has gone through, you will receive your "r-sr" slot. remember, supplies are limited!

the process after

we'll be checking and approving forms every day throughout the month, the event lasts from december 1st to january 1st, so as long as you get a valid form in before then, we will approve it, even if we get to you a little late!!

once you claim your MYO, you can check for a traitlist here!!


fill out this form in the comments with all the required information to receive your myo slot! (the first 10 people to successfully follow through will receive a bonus of 300nCqOaju.png in their bank!)

  • foxtop.us u/n
  • upgrade? (y/n)
  • link to bulletin
  • tag a friend! (opt)


 upgrades are now available for all of december! thank you so much! 


 there are no more currency bonuses left! 
  • foxtop.us: Arkaingel
  • upgrade: No thank you ^^
  • link to bulletin: Here
  • tag a friend!: TabrisDuCiel

foxtop.us SimplyDefault

upgrade? Yes

link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/554495.cs-myo-event-

tag a friend! CatowlLatte


foxtop.us u/n: CosmicLoveDemon

upgrade?: yes pls!

link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/554323.foxtopi-myo-event

tag a friend!: StarShinozaki


foxtop.us 1agogo

upgrade? Nope

link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/554500.f-o-x-t-o-p-u-s-m-y-o-e-v-e-n-t

tag a friend! Cain_abel 


foxtop.us u/n: ramunya

upgrade? (y/n): not rn

link to bulletin right here

tag a friend!: Kurakuza


foxtop.us: https://foxtop.us/user/JingleBunnyUWU

upgrade: No thank you!!<3

link to bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/554503.this-cs-seems-so-cool-

tag a friend!: crimsonteeeth


> foxtop.us: krak7en
> upgrade?: nope
> link to bulletin: here!
> tag a friend! kuneho_wan (pspsps drags you with me,,,)


foxtop.us : miriam108

upgrade? : yes

link to bulletin : https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/554507.about-foxtopus

tag a friend! : poprox
