Hello, one and allā€¦ humans and Bukimiā€¦

Itā€™s time for the official launch of the closed species Bukimi! Hosted by BKM Rehab and owned by lemonydreamz and prime. Weā€™ll bring your very own lovable eldritch being straight to your doorstep!

World | Discord | Trait Guide (Humanoid) |Ā Trait Guide (Anthro) |Ā Website


Iā€™ll be your guide! The nameā€™s Beau, and Iā€™ll show you how to get (and create) your very own eldritch beingā€¦ But first, wouldnā€™t you like to know what a Bukimi is?


Bukimi are what we call Eldritch beings who wish to integrate into humanoid society. So, to adapt, they shift and transform into humanoid look-alikes. However these forms arenā€™t the most accurate, and always tend to have SOMETHING wrong with themā€¦


Whether it be a neck or arms that are a bit too long, or maybe one too many eyes, or rows of teeth, a Bukimi will have something off about their human form. They cannot help it.
Another odd give-away of a Bukimi is their expression. When in human form, they may only make a few expressions. The largest number of expressions that a Bukimi may have has been recorded to be 5.

A Bukimiā€™s human form is always molded by their first few interactions. For example, the first human I ran into had a huge smile, so I smile too! Just because Iā€™m always smiling doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t feel other emotions, though. All Bukimi feel a complete and wide range of emotions, we just canā€™t show them very well in human formā€¦


Now that you know what a Bukimi is, Iā€™ll show you how you can make your very own!



To get a COMMON MYO SLOT you must:

Join the Toyhouse World

Make a bulletin sharing this event!

Comment you did this!!


To get extra traits:

Like anyone in our Mascots Folder! (+1 Uncommon trait)

Tag up to 3 friends (+1 Uncommon trait) (Only need 1 tag, but extra might get you something special...)

Join Our Discord! (+1 Uncommon Trait)

If you do all of this, your MYO slot will be upgraded to an UNCOMMON MYO with +1 Rare trait!
(Or moreā€¦)

To add an additional MUTATION trait, draw one of our mascots! It can be a small headshot doodle, or a painting! Itā€™s up to you!

Not sure about our traits? Consult our written trait guides here and here!

We also have visual trait guides here and here!

Extra Info and Rules:

You will be transferred these MYO slots via our website, please make an account to access your MYO slot! (This is after you have commented.)

These slots are giftable and tradable, but please do keep in mind they have no worth.

Please request the picture (if you are drawing) to the mascots account instead of just putting it below!

You may only claim 1 MYO slot!


When you are ready to submit your Bukimi, you will only need to create 1 form (Humanoid or Anthro) for the ML! When you are ready to submit, you need to access your myo on our website and press submit design! From there, it should be easy. Ā (A small lorekeeper tutorial to submitting is linked here!)

When assigning traits, it is not used up on one form.Ā 

FOR EXAMPLE: If you want to give doll joints to human form, you are allowed to also give them in anthro form. However, (for example) giving the humanoid form doll joints, and the anthro form a separate, different rare trait such as Manmade Parts, is NOT allowed.Ā 


These MYO slots do NOT expire!Ā 

We will also be holding a raffle for 3x Mutated slots! We will be releasing a Bulletin for it on our world very soon! For every 30 people who enter this MYO event, we will add 2 MYO slots onto our raffle!

We have reached 122 entries! We will be raffling off 11 Mutated MYO Slots as of 2/9/23!


Last but not least, we will be selling UNLIMITED MYOs of each rarity at half price,Ā 

MYO Sale Prices:

[UNLIMITED] Common MYO | 5$Ā 

[UNLIMITED] Uncommon MYO | 10$

[UNLIMITED] Rare MYO | 15$

[SPECIAL] [UNLIMITED] Crossbreed MYO | $15

[UNLIMITED] Mutated MYO | 20$

MYO Upgrade Prices:

Common ā†’ Uncommon | $5

Common ā†’ Rare | $10

Common ā†’ Mutated | $15

Uncommon ā†’ Rare | $5

Uncommon ā†’ Mutated | $10

Click here to order or upgrade!


We also have a raffle going on! This will keep going until the end of THIS MYO EVENT, which is around 2/15/23 !

All you have to do is favorite the profile!

The design has art from a lot of our artists! Hereā€™s one of them. :3



Still here? Wow.

If you areā€¦ I think there's something interesting to check out.

If you want to learn the truth about BKM, click hereā€¦

(This will lead you to our first event! It will last until February 15th, 2023, so please, participate!)


Psstā€¦ Wanna know a secret? Weā€™re looking forā€¦ pretty much everything ever! We are looking for; (PAS, GAS, DISCORD MODS, PROMPT MANAGERS, EVENT MANAGERS, ETC)! Click for each form!

Ā In all, have fun making your Bukimi! We will have our prompts up on our website, have many more sales, raffles, and adopts! We look forward to seeing you at BKM Rehab!



That's odd... Someone seems to have left an enamel pin on your doorstep. Woah, it looks like an eye. Creepy.


Click the image for the link to your MYO!

This is giftable and tradable ONLY!


Joined, https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1093146.bukimi-myo, faved mascot, SugarHouse selenium dolled_up


Did everything, discord is BlueScreened#8931, https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1093160.hey-guys-look-a-new-species, ableinlove Flornaa yugiri sorry guys if you don't like pings thought you might be interested >:)



That's odd... Someone seems to have left an enamel pin on your doorstep. Woah, it looks like an eye. Creepy.

Click the image for the link to your MYO!

This is giftable and tradable ONLY!



That's odd... Someone seems to have left an enamel pin on your doorstep. Woah, it looks like an eye. Creepy.

Click the image for the link to your MYO!

This is giftable and tradable ONLY!


joined world and discord (toast#4163), faved mascot,

heres the bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1093264.bukimi-myo-event-nm-

and tags: RAMBITE, CinderedCider & Cyber-Dem0n


That's odd... Someone seems to have left an enamel pin on your doorstep. Woah, it looks like an eye. Creepy.


Click the image for the link to your MYO!

This is giftable and tradable ONLY!


Joined the world, made a bulletin, faved Scarlet King + šŸ’Ž, FordvsCell, KyokaSuigetsu, satiricalSpirits (RAUGHH sorry for the ping!!)

Also joined the Discord (Saki#2246) + made a doodle of one of the mascots :] !! (which I just submitted to their page!!)


Joined world, faved mascot Bulletin- https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1093521.bukimi-myo-event



That's odd... Someone seems to have left an enamel pin on your doorstep. Woah, it looks like an eye. Creepy. Wow. It looks super rare. Are you sure it isn't worth anything?


Click the image for the link to your MYO!

This is giftable and tradable ONLY!

(Thank you for doing literally everything! Have a gift!)