Charmers Relaunch & MYO Event!

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by DreamCharmers


Banner made by Xedite & AnakinsLeftShoe


He’d once been something.
Created to help the world, and to help a child who now needed more with the interference of Father.
But when he’d tried to help his child, instead he was the one cast out.
All that love Mother preached? He knew it as a farce. And he did not need it.
Loveless he became. Loveless, he would always be.


Art & design made by Xedite

The Dreamcharmers are hosting a Relaunch event, in order to celebrate the continuation and rehaul of the species itself!

What is a Dreamcharmer, anyway? 
Dreamcharmers are a Closed Species conceptualized by JingleBunnyUWU, and now owned by TyphAF!
Dreamcharmers are an asexual species sent by their creator, Mother, to help nuture and protect young children as they grow up. Think of them as the imaginary friends—the ones that foster happiness and growth in any child that needs them. 

On the other side of the spectrum, however, are the Charmers that have turned—for one reason or another. Those that no longer follow their role in helping children become Nightcharmers—filled with emotions such as hate, regret, misery, and all other foul manner of existence, they set out to bring these emotions to those the Charmers swore to protect in the very first of places. The easiest way to spot a Nightcharmer is the neverending torrent of black tears streaming from their eyes—foul and nasty in its own right. 

Damn it, Typh, now I want one. How the heck am I supposed to go about doing that?!
Boy, do I have good news for you! We are currently hosting a MYO event that is open even to existing members of the Dreamcharmers community! Keep reading on if you're interested in joining our family! <3

Can I have the links to the important stuff?
You sure can, buddy! Here's all that you might need:
-Charmers Discord
-Charmers TH World
-Charmers Trait Info
-Charmers Lore

Still with us? Now it's time for the fun!


We're out here giving away Dreamcharmer MYOs like they're hotcakes! Mother would be proud of all the helpers we're bringing into the world right here! We've only a couple forms for you to fill out, first:
-Join our TH World
-Join our Discord Server
-Make a bulletin about our relaunch!
-Comment "done" on this post. 

-These MYO slots do not expire; whether you choose to use them two days from now, or in three months (Or years idk, you do you, creation is hard).
-Only one MYO per person!
-The MYOs obtained through this method can only be gifted or traded.
-This MYO event will end on 2/10, so be sure to participate before then!

We are, however, also selling additional MYO slots at a discounted price for a limited time! Get yours before 2/10!
Dreamcharmer MYOs: $12
Nightcharmer MYOs: $17
Charmer Modifier (i.e. Scaley Snack, Shot By Cupid): $3 - see Discord server for full list of modifiers & descriptions.

Keep an eye out, especially in our Discord, as there will be far more interesting things for sale soon!

We are also happy to announce two adopts for sale, made by the ever-lovely AnakinsLeftShoe ! A Blessed Dreamcharmer & a Cursed Nightcharmer—both with all-new traits to match! If you're interested in giving either of these Opal pretties a new home, click their images for more info! <3


~~ ?̷̥͈̗̹̼̒́͠?̵͓͍͓͕̗͛͆͗́?̷̢̤̭͗  ~~

What's happening??
Why is the ground trembling so bad? This isn't part of the scrip—


Who the hell are you? What do you want from us?!

Į̷̯̜͑ ̶̲̽a̷̡͙̥̞̎̌̓̉͝m̸̨̛̥̖͆͜͠ͅ ̸͇̮͇́̑̎Ę̸̛͖͈͛r̸̨̻̟̘̐͊̃̾e̴̱̝̒͋͠b̷̪͎̈̑ṳ̶͇̝̂̾͌s̴̢̼̤̥͆̀̉̃͠.̵̻̳̜̝̓ ̴͎͉͉͇̻̋͝

 "Erebus", huh? What kind of emo edgleord name is tha—

Ḯ̸͈ ̷̢̥̾̑w̵̰̘̍i̵̮̠͌ṡ̴̪̽h̵̙̉̎ ̷̘̍t̷͕̿̅o̵̳̺͋ ̵̤̺̐s̸̹̾͘p̴͙̄̚e̶̟͛̈a̶͌͘͜k̷̢̹͆ ̵̰͗t̵̮͚́ơ̶͓͓͑ ̵̧̹̿̿"̸͖͗M̸̖̫͒͠ō̵̩̭t̸̞̹̑́h̷̯̪̎e̴̲̒r̴̗̈"̴̤͍̎.̵̥͇̋ ̴̧̈͐

I'm not so sure that's an idea we're gonna let fly, Erebus, ol' buddy. You know, on account of uh, well, the ground still trembling? You should probably get that checked out, to be honest. You know—

C̸̜͑͆e̵̛̮̰̔â̴̪s̷̻̚ë̸̖́̑ ̸͙̝̔y̸̻̗̒ô̵̺̩u̶̗͋̚r̵͓̘̄ ̴͖̰͑b̶͇̐̏l̵̤̖̂͝ą̸̮̍t̴͆͗͜h̴̫͘ę̶̛̳̉r̸̺͋ị̸̓ͅn̵̠̱͐̇g̷̬͎͝.̴̱̈̀ ̸͚̿͌I̴̦͗̏ ̸̜̪̔k̴̛͇̦͘ñ̶̛̖̤o̷̱͆w̴̨̭͑̕ ̵̠̏t̷̯͎̔h̷̤̻͊̚ḁ̷̞̇t̶͈̔͗ ̵̱̱͋͝s̸̢̏́h̵̬͍́e̷̺͙̚͠ ̷̻̓ì̵͙̯̿s̷̝̈ ̷̖̰̏̃n̶̠͋ỏ̷̥̖̐ṫ̸̯͈͛ ̷͉̙͋͝h̴̪͉̑e̵̖̘͊r̷͍͐ê̴̟͉͌.̴̞͚͠ ̵̻̯́I̷͎̪̐̏ ̶̥̃ṩ̷́e̵̠̓̂͜e̶̥͈̓k̶̥̟̅̾ ̴̝͇͝ṯ̴̯̎̇o̷̫̤͝ ̶̧̊̏ͅm̵̲̖̌̽ă̶̝̟k̴̹͊̈e̴͍̟̅͒ ̶͙̌į̴̌ť̷͙̲͂ ̴̟͔̆s̴̡̲̅t̴̹̽͌a̴̧͊y̶̼͗ ̷̪͎̓͘t̸̺̭̓͌h̷͍̒ͅa̴͕̚t̷̞̊ ̸̫͋ͅw̵̭͝ḁ̴̾ỷ̴͚̼̓.̸͈͈̽͝

Okay, first of all, stop cutting me off. It's rude. Second of all—hey! Where are you going?! Jeez, that dude gives me the heebie jeebies...
One of us should go after him, right? He was saying some dark, cryptic stuff—like some kind of demon Shakespeare, or something. But I have to stay here, you know, to help the other people that come to this post. Maybe you could go after him

Hey! I think he dropped this when he left. I'm unsure what this has to do with anything, though—and it looks so burnt, too. What, did it survive a fire, or something?


You examine the old looking page you found curiously—it certainly looks to have seen better days. The visibly aged and worn paper appears black and charred in one corner, with noticeable burn marks in multiple places. It also seems to have been deliberately and violently torn or slashed by someone in several spots.... How peculiar.

Art & blurb made by silvercinder



A MYO for you! 





A MYO for your efforts! <3



I bequeath upon you one MYO


Eeeeek if this is still open I made a bulletin wagaba



A MYO for you!




Done !!



I see that you really rose to the occasion - I am now shutting up. Take this MYO as compensation for my terrible puns. 



I bestow upon you your very own MYO!



I toss an MYO your way!