⭐ LF : Species Creation Tips & Advice

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 1 year, 2 months ago) by flowerstarpatch

species ref/trait sheet

8 Votes separate images for each rarity or trait (mostly drawings)
4 Votes one long image (mostly drawings)
0 Votes text heavy image(s)

hiii so i'm making a humanoid closed species and i'm kind of struggling with the creation part. it's a cyborg angel species but i'm not entirely sure of what traits I should have for each rarity? i have a few general ideas but i'm not certain what traits says 'cyborg' or 'angel'

what makes a species special to you? would you say it's more about the traits or the lore?

also any general species creation tips or thoughts would be so appreciated i'm struggling sm lol. thanks all


AldwynScoresby ooh tyty, you've been a big help!! those traits are a really good idea, i really like them! thanks for the links, i'll take a look at them

so far for the lore i've decided on a reincarnation type of thing, where humans are reincarnated into these magical cyborg human bodies and work under the command of other more powerful angels. i also decided that magic affects the body, adding fantasy features (elf ears, vampire teeth, etc). i wanted it to be fairly open with the lore so people can pick a time and occupation pretty freely so i set it in a contemporary fantasy world. what do you think?

i also talked about it a bit with my discord server i made for this species and we agreed that the paywall feature is so annoying. i think i'll try to have slots of each rarity open, with the lower rarities with more slots and rare and legendary with less slots. i think i will have the feature to pay to upgrade, but make sure to not have it be a necessity like other similar species.

again, thank you so much!



From what you posted in the thread, cyborg angels can be a fun theme! In all honesty I don't engage with that kind of aesthetic a lot though lol so I can't give specific suggestions, but you mentioned being open to general advice so I'll see what I can do.

Ah in all honesty I think I made a few mistakes with the Jelveil traits that I wouldn't repeat for future species. For example, having lots of add-on traits right off the bat-- it made things a hassle to approve/disapprove on both the moderation team and the community, as fun as they can be-- that and just a lot of traits in general. Some people love it, while others find it difficult to work with. I think it's good to strike a balance between how complex you want your traits to be, but this is highly subjective and depends a lot on what you're going for.

Whether traits or lore are more important will also depend on what sort of community you're hoping to grow. If you want to attract people who value aesthetics, you'd want to give 'em fun traits to work with. If you want to attract people who focus on writing and character development, you'd want to give them solid lore. I've seen both types of species be successful, so again this is a matter of what you'd prefer to see in your community.

In terms of lore, though, I encourage you to give more general lore that your community can actually work with when writing their characters. Oftentimes, I see CS lore confined to just the origin story of the species... origin stories aren't bad whatsoever (in fact, the circumstances of one's becoming can affect the person they grow into) BUT if there's nothing else to help your community develop their own characters, then oftentimes it just isn't effective lore. This is especially true if said origin is no longer around and doesn't affect the current living members of the species whatsoever. In other words, consider what's actually relevant for someone who isn't you to write their characters of your species.

(Of course, do write about your species NPCs! Have fun! Just note that this doesn't constitute as lore anyone else can use-- give your community something too!)

Another thing I find important to consider is how accessible or well-organized your species' information is. Personally, I like using TH pages in Worlds to store information, and I'd recommend having everything important all in one place, like a directory to specific pages so people aren't looking for stuff all over the place. ESPECIALLY do not make it required to join a server or a World to gain this information-- how are people going to know if they want to join if they don't even know what your species is about?

(This is also a personal nitpick, but I dislike layout-changing CSS on Worlds. I find it hard to navigate. I'm also not a fan of Discord currency bots-- I know some find it much more convenient, but it locks people who don't have Discord/don't want to join a server out from accessing the currency system-- if you have one!)

All that above and just interact often with your community; it helps!

Of course, this is some fairly generic advice; my apologies. If you've got something more specific (I saw that you did end up posting more specifics in your reply to Aldwyn, but I was still writing this post and I didn't see it, lol), I'd love to give you a hand, though!

Running a species can be very rewarding, but it's also lots of work. Nonetheless, I wish you luck!


kirchhoff thank you for all the advice!! you have so many good points! and dw abt the general advice, i really needed it.

how many add on traits would you say is too many? i want to make my species different, but i don't want to be overwhelming, like what you were saying.

the aesthetic/lore point was very valid haha!! personally i love species for the aesthetics and having good thought-out lore is always a cherry on top. i think for this species i want to focus on attracting those who like the aesthetics, but having a clear story set out. you reminded me i needed to work on general lore haha

i have my discord server set up, excluding lore/traits, and i'm currently working on my th world. (here: https://toyhou.se/~world/114761.mechangels ) i totally agree with you, i hate having to go to dA/discord/websites just to find out what someone's species traits is. it's too much research for just a myo slot imo haha. for me i find that running more than 3 social media accounts is a lot of work, so i'll keep it centralized on just my discord and th. i'm planning on keeping both of them up to date with information abt the species.


TheyOfDarkness thank you so much!! i'll take a look at all the groups you mentioned, they sound super helpful!

so far on my wip trait sheet, i have about 3-4 traits for each rarity, with 4 rarities (common-legendary). i will definitely keep the workload you mentioned in mind, its a very good point. i trimmed down my trait list after i read your advice, but i'm still hoping the traits are unique enough. should i send what i have now for people's tips?

i agree with you about not locking irl conditions under rarities, it's really weird. i read through the forum AldwynScoresby sent earler in this thread, and a lot of people mentioned how they disliked it. personally i won't lock any irl condition, not only because it's weird, but it doesn't really fit with what lore i've written up so far.

as for ncps, what would an example of one be? are they more of a mascot or like a game ncp? would they be used for advertising and events?

i also wonder what i should include in my lore. what types of lore do you find most important?

again thank you for your help! i really appreciate it


AldwynScoresby that makes a lot of sense, thanks for clarifying!! would you suggest to have just one NPC to start out with, or would several be a better idea?


gotcha, ty again!