✨ Conikyrns Stars & Skies Event ✨ +FREE RAFFLE! ✨

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 10 months, 11 days ago) by xXxHerniaxXx





Today our semi-open species, Conikyrns, is launching our fall event, "Skies Over Solustus"! It includes a raffle and a new set of traits, so read ahead to learn more. And if you need a bit of background on the species, click here to check out our Species Basics!


The raffle prize for this mini-event is a night sky-themed coastal conikyrn!

1693851294617.pngEveryone in the discord gets one free  raffle entry, and more entries can be purchased with 1 Star Shrimp Each  (all ages) or $1 USD (18+ members)

Raffle Adoptable Traits:
Floating Pattern (Stars) - Legendary 

Animated Pattern (Changing Sunset) - Legendary

Embedded Object Tummy Symbol (Iridescent Gem) - Rare

Dewclaw (Coastal) - Uncommon

thumbnail_star_shrimp.pngIt's the time of year where the rare star shrimps of Solustus's coastal regions emerge from their watery homes and fly into the sky, filling the clouds above the coast with stars that are close enough to touch! As star gazing becomes a popular way to celebrate, many conis notice their fur taking on shapes and patterns that resemble the sky above - patterns that move like the skies above and float like the starry shrimp fluttering in the skies above!

If you're lucky, you might just be able to catch a starry shrimp before it flies too high in the sky to reach - and the gift of a starry shrimp is a great way to learn the secrets of these new patterns!
A blue shrimp with a star-shaped head and floating antenna.Starry Shrimp are the currency for this event, and they can be gained by taking part in event activities or purchasing them through our discord event shop! Once the event is finished, you can no longer earn star shrimps or trade them, so make sure to spend them all before the event is over.

This event is mostly based on our discord, so click here to join if you haven't already for a free star shrimp and more ways to earn event currency! 

Event Traits

Cloud Tail - A fluffy cloud shown floating where a tail would be. Animated Patterns - 2 fur patterns with a thunderstorm at different levels of severity. Floating Patterns - A fur pattern covered in hearts, with additonal hearts floating over the surface.Written Trait Descriptions:
Cloud Tail Trait: A floating cloud for a tail! It can rain, cast lightning, and make any kind of weather as   long as it doesn't totally transform the cloud. Will become   Coastal-subspecies only after the event ends!

Floating Patterns - Images from your conikyrn's patterns (stars, dots, swirls, hearts, etc.) Can float around your conikyrn!

Animated Patterns - The patterns on your conikyrn can exhibit slight changes - eg. A raindrop pattern with moving raindrops, a bug pattern with bugs skittering around, etc. Cannot be used to change the pattern into   something else, though - a pattern full of hearts could have hearts  that  break or sparkle, but it can't transform into a pattern full of  flowers.

Each event trait costs 3 star shrimps, and can be applied to an already-existing conikyrn or be saved  for future use. All event traits will become legendary-tier traits after  this event ends, so now is the easiest time to get your hands on them!

Earning Event Currency

Ways to earn currency during the event (these can stack!):

1. Joining our Discord -> +1 Star Shrimp (Those already in the discord will get one automatically!)

2. Posting in the DTCAY (Draw the Coni Above You) channel -> +1 Star Shrimp

3. Posting a finished picture for your DTAY-> +1 Star Shrimp, as well as the regular shrimpies for art redemption (Remember to post in the art redemption channel to claim!)

4. Posting a full body with colour for your DTAY, or anything more complex-> +2 Star Shrimps, as well as the regular shrimpy art bonus

5. Making a bulletin about the event and tagging 3 friends -> +1 Star Shrimp

6. Drawing/writing/any other conikyrn-related art that matches the event theme (the sky, stars, constellations, clouds, star shrimp - anything with this as the main subject!) -> +1 Star Shrimp  

7. Drawing/writing/any other art featuring a staff coni or NPC -> +1 Star Shrimp



MYO Event Pinglist:

soundwavesuperior  Celest Avid @Francissum MoonStraka bunsniff @Shadowmist epochro  NADETSUNTSU jugofmilk Clamie_Ty Avid eathrid ChihiroAsami  InflameDraw cottageram SmokeyWolf stinqii TripToOblivion ANRKY  JungKookie26 @GrassLawn boondogggle @ChokoLatte valiant-quest  killmeknow snurps GeorgieTheArtist Kaarne Benrey Miracle-Shonen  toa_stx  MysticFox parallel_lines Freny Sayu33_TheSupreme  Crazylioness cursivewerewolf Wargeye Keita_Kresses  FreshOrganicFlesh chariotsofsilk cloudquartz

(Sorry if anyone got a double ping, I mucked up the first group ping a bit ^^;)


Username: SmokeyWolf 

Tag People: koolwench Kiwi Crotalus

Bulletin Link: 


Joined Discord or Toyhou.se World: on both yk who I am ;)


SmokeyWolf LOL I do indeed 🤭 and I appreciate the good press!!


Username: Clamie_Ty

Tag People: Iucky Hackwolfin PandaPastels (ps sorry and thanks for the tag uwu)

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1370544.conikyrn-myo

Joined Discord or Toyhou.se World: TH World!


Clamie_Ty Awesome, lemme add your MYO bonuses to the bank sheet 💪 


Pinging folks who have changed their UNs since the poll - the Conikyrn Launch/MYO is now open!! Check out the first post for more details 💖

Moved0012 CH0KO boondogggay YouWantRobots METAMORPHOSI


Username: antisocial_ai

Tag People: (Optional)

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1379037.free-myo

Joined Discord or Toyhou.se World: joined th world


Username: muddledmess

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1379954.cool-species-myo-event


antisocial_ai awesome, adding you to the google doc rn! 


MuddledMess are you already in the th world/species discord?

Edit: Just saw you on the memberlist nvm! Your trait's been added to the google sheet ^^


Username: Celest

Tag People: indie_abbi NillyPeltown GalacticJaguar

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1384030.myo-time

Joined Discord or Toyhou.se World: yes!


Celest adding ur extra traits to the google sheet now!! ^^


Username: EyelessPyro

Tag People: (Optional)

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1387899.another-cool-myo

Joined Discord or Toyhou.se World: Joined TH world. (The discord link has expired btw /nm)


EyelessPyro oh man I didn't realize I hadn't changed it to never expire, oops 🤦 lmk if it works now!



Yep! All good now =)