★ Conikyrn Basics ★

Conikryn Basics

Conikyrns are born at times of great energy output or massive emotional events --  usually the result of large gatherings and a lot of excited energy. They  will pop into existence at the height of excitement or thrill or deep  love for other people & places, and because of this most conikyrns'  birthdays are celebrated in their communities as an anniversary of  something important & meaningful!

When a conikyn first pops into existence, they have two predominant colours:  one colour for their skin, and one colour for their fur. These colours  will be a part of their fur & skin patterning for the rest of their life! These colours also represent something about the event that created them, such as a festival based around fire birthing a bright orange baby with charcoal fur, or, as seen on the twins Dee & Dourrin, a celebration of the first rainfall on the sand can birth sand-coloured babies with wet sand-coloured fur:ze_twins_naked.png
There are no limits to when & where a conikyn will be born, and even a single conikyrn can accidentally stumble into  summoning a new baby into the world by working passionately on something they love - emotions built up over years or all at once are both powerful forces.

Once a conikyrn is born, it will begin to absorb images from the world around it, which  will start to manifest on its body; in Dee's case, eir lifetime of living by the shore & years of aquatic research has manifested in a pelt decorated with images of the tide, and skin covered in images of seashells. Dourrin's skin & fur change much more frequently, currently sporting explosive designs from her research into what exactly causes conikyrn's patterns to morph over time!


...And speaking of the twins & their differences, it's time to learn about:

Conikyrn Subspecies & Traits!

(Click here to jump to the Conikyrn Traits guide)