Cruxis Species Info and Guides

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by SalamanderLynn

"They Who are Unseen"

A strange little species of imp like fellows who love praise. They will do anything for a thank you and good job, Even more for gifts and prizes. They tend to settle down in homes and do household chores everyday. Cooking, Cleaning, Child Care, and any other tasks are all done with a smile and a chirp. But watch out! Forget to praise and thank Implups results in them using their magic to make you absolutely miserable. Lost a shoe? Underwear suddenly hanging from the roof? Your Shampoo dyed your hair pink? These spooky looking critters are truly playful at best and loving companions. They are only dangerous when really pushed and abused. Beware their sweet chirping voices and mystical gaze or you’ll wish you had time to say “Sorry” before they get you.
Body Shape:
Implups have long whip like tails that start off fuzzy at the base. It is at the fuzzy base that Implups sprout wings. These clawed wings can hold onto things, climb, or are used to grip and keep an Implup in place while they sleep. Implups mostly cannot fly nor glide. They tend to climb and cling to walls or ceilings and prefer places with many open levels to jump and cling in groups.Implups have three eyes on their face. It is believed the third eye is capable of viewing souls and is needed for casting magic. Other theorize that they can see the future. Most agree that when an Implup opens its third eye at something that means there is more than meets the eye to the subject of their gaze.They also have two horns on their heads. The left horn and the right horn grow at different rates but it’s believed and studies show that the larger the right horn is the better the implup has been treated and raised. These implups are devoted to their masters and kind hearted. While the left horned Implups are cruel and won’t hesitate to use their powers to hurt those around them. Another interesting note is that horns can shrink or grow even larger over time. Left Horned Implups are more prone to lashing out and attach others beyond their masters.
UR/R Blind- Either they have their third eye closed for good or they have no third eye at all marks Blind Implups.
Closed eyes are Rare, while being born eyeless is an Ultra Rare Trait. Blind Implups keep their eyes permanently closed, or  if open lack an iris. These Implups are unable to cast magic and are more likely to stumble or fumble around spaces. They are also more likely to use their Voice when provoked first without any warnings.SR Defiled- These Implups have past the point of no return... Using up so much of the Cruxis inside their rib cage caused them to go insane. Their bodies changed and their horns become stained with the blood of those they killed. Defiled are not like Normal Implups. Angering one does not lead to a harmless prank later. Defiled like to hurt others and will go out of their way to harm even their own kind. Defiled are marked by black eyes, unnatural skin pigmentation, and broken wings or only a singular wing. They had lost almost all of their own magic and refuel themselves by offering up their victim's souls to an Unknown God... After they eat the flesh...

 Blue | Green | Orange | Violet | Red
Common | Uncommon | Rare | Super Rare | Legendary
UR EverBurns- Poor poor dear, not long for this world. Born with too much Cruxis Fire inside that unlike other Implups, it cannot hide. The fires always burn consuming everything around it including the poor Implup who was born with it. That might be why the Everburns keeps a relatively fluffier fire repellent tail then other Implups. But it might also be why Everburns are considered to be trapped in child like bodies, even more so given that unlike every other Implup known; Everburns will never grow the iconic Tail Wings. EverBurns are marked by an out of control cruxis bursting out of them, odd shaped horns (that follow regular horn rules), a fluffy longer tail, no wings and are always producing strange colored Cruxis tears.Strange Rare Mutations Not Shown:Odd Horns- Implups that are either missing a horn or have too many horns on their head. Horn growth can be erratic and the usual left right horn rule does not apply. They are usually Rare.Blood Horns- SR trait that only defiled or it's direct offspring can inherit. Blood drips out from these odd horns... Whose blood it is honestly a mystery.
"They Who Rule the Skies"
Mating and Culture: 
Unlike Implup, Slynix are Sexed between Male, Female, And Imp. Imp being Slynix who take after Implups and are Genderless. Imp Slynix cannot mate with others and unless they have a Cruxis Gem growing outside of their body they cannot mate with Implups either.
Sometimes due to the difficulty it causes to Mate, Imp will act as Beta Females, and take a male as their singular mate. Or as Pseudo Females, and aid males in caring for children.
Some Slynix have their Sleeping Cruxis power grow out of their bodies in gem like forms. These rather unusual Slynix can even breed with their relative species Implups! These extremely rare happenings produce a newly found secondary sub species called Slylups. Though there are almost no known living Slylups.
It is due to the breeding and creation of Slylup bad mutations like the split tail can happen. Though Slylups have been found to have a more friendly and Implup like nature They are considered Domesticated Only. Meaning that Most people prefer to have them take into custody of homes or none Cruxis Bearing species. There has also been talk about preventing them from mating but that rarely does any good. They are not capable of surviving in the wild on their own.

Culture wise, Slynix are far more territorial and dislike being around their own kind. The only exception is mating season where hundreds of Males gather in one place to watch the females fight. The location changes every year due to Slynix mating tradtions and child care needs. Female Slynix fight to make Harems of Obedient and Loyal Males. The female will usually mate with every one of them in order to trick and control them all into protecting her young. The more fathers who can't tell who's kid it is the better. Female Slynix have a 48 hour mating period where they can end up pregnant with multiple Slynix Male's offspring. A typical Mating season will produce anywhere from 3 to 8 Offspring per female. Some females can have up to 15 Eggs. Slynix, for the record, lay eggs early on about two weeks after conception.
Once the eggs are laid a female will begin to care and protect them for the next three days. The males are expected to feed her and fortify a large space inside and out to keep the newborns in once they hatch. Males will often spend the most time with the children as after the eggs are fortified the Female will fly off to where ever her homeland is leaving her offspring behind. Male and Imp Slynix for that purpose can also produce the milk needed to feed their young... Though usually in a harem this task will be forced on the smallest, youngest or most feminine Slynix of the group.
If males find weak or defective Offspring they might kill it. In rare cases, if a Alpha or Head Male of the Harem in particular believes it to be his, will they raise it along with its siblings. Slynix take Thirty years to mature. It is during that time the males will live and care endlessly for the young. If a Slynix Harem finds a Slylup among the offspring none will take it in and the milking Male will generally refuse to feed it. Under extremely rare odds will a Slylup have a chance at survival. Usually It will end up abandoned where hopefully another Species or an Imp will find it.

Green | Blue | Orange | Violet | NOT SHOWN
Common | Uncommon | Rare | Super Rare | Legendary

Slynix Body Info: Slynix are a related Species to Implups. Hundreds of years yerning to fly has caused this specie's mutations. They completely gave up the Cruxis Flame and that caused it to crystalize inside of their body, making their bones light weight! The Slynix are therefor skilled Fliers compared to even Flicker Implups. Sadly those years have also changed Slynix into some of the most ruthless and cruel Creatures around. Why if they had an Implup horns they would all be bad left Dominate little jerks. They care little about each other beyond mating and rarely feel regret for causing damage. They are smart, and can think like humans if raised right. Though they seem to mentally be rather self centered and rarely think about the big picture of things.
Slynix's legs then fused together to create one powerful leg tail capable of both holding them upright when on the ground but also steering and beat in time with the wings. A Slynix's wings are strong and thin allowing it to catch the lightest breeze up. Slynix tend to jump or climb like implups in order to find a good place to take off. Unlike birds they cannot fly off from the ground laying down and need some sort of Launch in order to move. they Often prop themselves on their tails and coil down before slaming the ground as they push up for take off. When on the ground they are slower and more likely to lash out using their tail. Like igananas Their tail is super strong and if a person is unlucky enough to get swatted with it they will most likely need a cast. Slynix can shatter bones with the thick Powerful Muscles there.A Super rare Mutation can sometimes split that Tail Leg into two but that often forces them to glide and hover. It is a mutation that Most Slynix will not allow to survive given that it can be directly passed to offspring... though Females due slip up with who they bed with. It often comes from Slylups or those who have a slylup Ancestor.They will fight to the death over territory and mates. If raised by Other life forms these habits and interest do change but Slynix are Sly after all, and they cannot fully forget their competitive tricky nature. They will do anything to come out ahead and will use anyone to do it. Even tamed ones left to themselves will take over their environment. One moment your sleeping in bed, the next you're in the dog bed with the rest of your family as the slynix has stolen all the blankets, pillows and mattresses for itself.Even tamed Slynix don't like being surrounded by others, and sometimes will even compete with family pets for attention. They are attention hogs and won't do anything unless its for themselves. Implup usually end up fighting with them due to that attitude. Due to modernization of the world they live in, Slynix have had to settle near human and Other species. As a result they are becoming a little bit more willing to socialize with others and have moved from caves and mountain sides to man made Condo like Structures that now have a lot of modern Comforts. //Most old fashion slynix chuck those out the entrance after settling in...This has been caused by other specie's need for materials that where abundant in Slynix Dwellings. Like Gold. //The main cause of the Golden Wing and Cruxis Mutations. That Has caused them to build the structures in order to please the displaced Slynix. there is also a large Cruxis Reserve for Slynix and Implup owned by a Strange Man that allows Slynix to still live like they always have.
Alpha Males: Are the strongest, oldest, or otherwise most aggressive Male among a harem who will take control. He'll control food, nest space, and any other activities related to rearing the offspring. He will pick and choose his favorites among the bunch and treat them with priority based on if they share enough of his genetic traits.

Alpha Females: Fight to build strong harems of males. They do not care for their young. Commonly most females are like this. They may leave their young but always return to the harem for the next season.

Alpha Imp: A rare Imp gender who takes control of a nest. This can caused mixed results. This type of imp usually takes the females place and will tempt the males to it. It will also fight the female when she returns for the next mating season to prevent her from breeding. It raises all the offspring equally out of a desire to pretend they are its.  It will even raise and care for Slylups due to fact that they can be it's offspring.

Beta Male: A passive male. Personalities very greatly among them. They tend to obey any alphas in order to stay out of trouble. They will try to protect any offspring they think are theirs but often will do so by tricking the alpha into favoring it.

Beta Female: Takes a single mate and tends to stay with them and the offspring for life.

Beta Imp: the most common type of imp. They are passive like males and will join harems to feed and care for young. They will also leave and return randomly. They tend not to become as attached as Alphas. They are also very unattached to Terriory and will go where the wind takes them. They will also raise any offspring regardless of health and parentage.

 Omegas: A rather extremely aggressive Slynix. They will fight regardless of gender. They are desired for their power but unwanted in harems. They are feral in temper compared to other Slynix and will crush eggs and offspring that are not theirs. Some can be calmed down but only if they are not paired with an Alpha. When placed with a Beta or Tamed they become excellent parents and Will raise every child regardless of Health. They are protective of their own, and some who live long enough will even guard and protect their grandchildren with pride. They are loving parents but dreaded one night stands it seems.

Tamed: Any gender Slynix bred and raised by humans or similar creatures of intelligence they are often Children of Slynix who settled in human dwellings and have had humans caring for them since birth. They are unnaturally lax, and lack any desire to fight. They also seem to greatly disprove the Harem system and Like betas Mate for life with one partner. They cannot fend for themselves and hate being left alone. Among all the slynix they are more likely to be found spoiling and preventing their offspring from leaving the nest. Tamed Slynix might form family clans due to the fact that they enjoy their Cozy life style. Much to the horror of owners who find babies given away or released have returned home before they have. Tamed Slynix can easily take over one's life and are demanding to rear.

"They Who Carry Worlds"

Green | Blue | Orange | Red | Violet
Common | Uncommon | Rare | Super Rare | Legendary

-More info to Come-

FAQ being Rewritten

MYO Banned Rarities:Banned from ALL MYO Events:-Budding Lapnin Body-The Budding Body Lapnin are capable of making more of themselves that is to say, Co-Owner Rights.Therefor they are not available for any MYO event or Reward Trait Upgrade.